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惯性导航 综合仿真

于 2020-11-25 发布 文件大小:36186KB
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  初学者用惯性导航matlab仿真及程序,用于综合仿真(Beginners use inertial navigation matlab simulation and program for comprehensive simulation)


实验四 综合实验\CalRnRe.m, 226 , 2017-05-24
实验四 综合实验\dcm2eulr.m, 332 , 2017-05-09
实验四 综合实验\dcm2qua.m, 298 , 2017-05-09
实验四 综合实验\eulr2dcm.m, 504 , 2017-06-28
实验四 综合实验\eulr2qua.m, 475 , 2017-05-09
实验四 综合实验\gravity.m, 322 , 2017-05-24
实验四 综合实验\imu.mat, 47794896 , 2017-05-19
实验四 综合实验\pos.mat, 407768 , 2017-05-19
实验四 综合实验\qua2dcm.m, 499 , 2017-05-09
实验四 综合实验\quamult.m, 1240 , 2010-07-21
实验四 综合实验\zonghe_wuyingjie.m, 9418 , 2017-06-28
实验四 综合实验, 0 , 2017-12-16



0 个回复

  • ClusterPackV10
    聚类分析工具箱 亚历山大博士写的,用于聚类分析,功能比较全(Cluster Analysis and Cluster Ensemble Software ClusterPack is a collection of Matlab functions for cluster analysis. It consists of the three modules ClusterVisual, ClusterBasics, and ClusterEnsemble as described in the following. They are a selection out of my personal codebase for machine learning research. They contain general clustering algorithms as well as special algorithms developed in my research as indicated in the README files)
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  • MATLAB7Xmixedprograming
    深入浅出MATLAB 7.x混合编程,重点介绍了matlab7.x和其它编程语言的接口问题对混合编程而言不啻一本难得的好书(Layman' s language and MATLAB 7.x hybrid programming, focusing on the matlab7.x and other programming languages programming interface issues in terms of the mixed rare books as good a)
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    Gabor atoms generation
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  • iiiiiihgbvv
    合成地震记录的matlab程序,很实用,适合初学者联系实用(Synthetic seismogram matlab program, very useful for beginners Contact Useful)
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  • problem1
    16-QAM modulation and demodulation
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  • pinpu
    选择不同的滤波方式:低通、高通、带通及带阻,进行频谱分析。(Select a different filtering method: low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop, spectral analysis.)
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  • Matlab-on-digital-signal-processing
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  • noisetracking
    包含M文件,培训和跟踪落实的噪音中描述的算法: [1] J.S.厄克伦斯和R. Heusdens,“非平稳噪声跟踪基于数据驱动的递归噪声功率的估计”,IEEE期刊。音频,语音卷。 16,第6页。1112年至1123年,2008年8月。 见Description.doc在zip文件。(Contains m-files to train and implement the noise tracking algorithm described in: [1] J.S. Erkelens and R. Heusdens, "Tracking of nonstationary noise based on data-driven recursive noise power estimation", IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech & Lang. Proc., Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1112-1123, August 2008. See Description.doc in the zip-file. )
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  • SA_matlab
    simulataed anneling for matlab for optimization
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  • Bayes
    贝叶斯分类算法是统计学的一种分类方法,它是一类利用概率统计知识进行分类的算法。在许多场合,朴素贝叶斯(Naï ve Bayes,NB)分类算法可以与决策树和神经网络分类算法相媲美,该算法能运用到大型数据库中,而且方法简单、分类准确率高、速度快。(Bayesian classification algorithm is a statistical classification method, which is a kind of knowledge to classify the use of probabilistic algorithms. In many cases, Naive Bayes (Naï ve Bayes, NB) classification algorithm with decision trees and neural network classification algorithm is comparable, the algorithm can be applied to large s, and the method is simple, accurate classification rate of speed.)
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