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于 2021-04-22 发布 文件大小:9674KB
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  本程序为激光切割机的源代码,编程环境为VC++6.0.(This procedure for the laser cutting machine of the source code, programming environment for VC++6.0.)







0 个回复

  • equalvalueline
    使用Visual C++,MFC类库绘制等值线(Visual C++, MFC class library to draw contour)
    2013-04-03 20:45:23下载
  • Hufferman
    使用哈弗曼编码技术进行数据压缩和解压缩,缺点在于只能用于文本(Havermann coding techniques using data compression and decompression, disadvantage is that the text can only be used)
    2010-01-03 19:23:10下载
  • Csendmail
    这是一个实现用C语言发送电子邮件的小程序,可以把截获的键盘记录发送给监控的主机。(This is a realization of C language small program to send email, you can send intercepted keyloggers monitored host.)
    2013-07-28 19:00:36下载
  • GTool(Version2.2)
    电视系统中,进行需要在线调整Gamma曲线,此工具可以方便的对电视系统中的Gamma曲线读写,修改,该软件使用了贝塞尔曲线,方便的拖出你想要的曲线,然后在线升级(TV system, to adjust the Gamma curve need to be online, this tool can be easily against the television system in the Gamma curve to read and write, modify, the software uses the Bezier curves, a convenient pulled out the curve you want, and then Online Upgrade)
    2010-01-11 17:13:42下载
  • chap29--use-OLE-DB-handle-databases
    MFC操作数据库ADO操作数据库, MFC操作数据库ADO操作数据库.(use MFC to handle the databases.)
    2012-09-19 17:29:05下载
  • helpsvm
    自控应用svm的介绍文档,方便下载传看。(mysvm is used to train a SVM on a given example set and testing the results.it is very conveninent to learn about it by u self.)
    2016-04-26 11:19:24下载
  • VideoMonitorSystem
    基于网络的视频监控系统 随着时代的发展,人们对安全防范也越来越重视,而数字化视频监控系统在音视频录像、报警录像联动、硬盘存储、多画面显示等方面都有突出表现,因此在安防领域逐渐占有了一席之地。本文提出的基于网络的视频监控系统实现了对数字硬盘录像机的控制功能,其远程客户端软件可以同时播放四路具有高达Dl分辨率的图像数据。 第一章论述了视频监控系统和数据压缩技术的发展动态。 第二章对客户端软件的开发环境及平台进行了选择,并就其中使用的关键技术:windows sockets编程技术、windows多线程技术、windows图像显示技术、MPEG-4编解码与数据传术技术、流媒体技术做了简介。 第三章详细论述了客户端软件的设计及实现。包括客户端软件的整体设计和各模块的设计实现,最后给出了实现结果。 第四章是论述了实时流媒体播放器的设计和实现,包括主要模块设计实现 (网络接收模块、解码模块、显示模块、操作控制模块)、其他模块设计实现(显卡能力探测模块、表面管理模块)、性能优化(缓冲、共享内存、线程模型)。 第五章对系统进行了总结,并为系统进一步发展提出了展望和规划。 (network-based video surveillance system with the development of the times, people are increasingly security attention, and Digital Video Surveillance System in video and audio video, police video linkage, hard disk storage, Multi-screen display, and other aspects outstanding performance in the field gradually Security occupies a place. This paper presents the network-based video surveillance system for the digital disk video recorder to the control function, its remote client software can be broadcast simultaneously Four Dl with high-resolution image data. The first chapter of the video monitoring system and data compression technology developments. Chapter II of the client software development environment and platform choices, and the use of the key technologies : Programming windows sock)
    2007-04-04 10:57:21下载
  • tezhengzhi
    求矩阵的特征值 可以方便快捷的计算矩阵的特征值 其中包括零矩阵(Eigenvalue matrix can be convenient and efficient calculation of matrix eigenvalues, including zero matrix)
    2009-01-04 15:39:54下载
  • SSPIIHT-coodeP
    SPIHT算法是一种简单易懂、有效的嵌嵌入式零树编码算法,需要的自然明白它的作用 (SPIHT algorithm is a simple, effective embedded in the embedded zero-tree coding algorithm, the natural to understand its role)
    2012-07-22 21:23:45下载
  • Ex4_4
    画笔程序,能够实现文字、图形(空、实心)的绘画。(brush procedures to achieve text, graphics (air, and solid) painting.)
    2006-06-21 00:15:02下载
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