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于 2018-03-24 发布 文件大小:2KB
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97h梁辉-鼠标限制隐藏.e, 8469 , 2007-11-19



0 个回复

  • 023482
    批量文件加密源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和易语言第三方超级加解密支持库,实现文件的批量加密。(Batch file encryption source code, the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface third party super easy language support library encryption and decryption , encrypted files in batches .)
    2018-01-16 12:31:08下载
  • 918143
    屏幕后台自动截图源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,实现屏幕后台自动截图。(Screen shots automatically in the background source, program expansion interface combined with easy language support library that implements the screen shot automatically in the background .)
    2017-12-01 14:55:30下载
  • login
    高仿CF的CS启动器,用于CS仿CF的MOD制作。 特点:易语言编写,使用png真彩窗口,图片可直接使用CF目录下文件。 主要功能,启动CS1.6游戏,高仿CF登陆器,读取修改本地ini游戏配置文件,进行与游戏设置有关的注册表操作。 使用方法:编译后放于CS目录下,用到的图片、离线网页、ini请自行收集,可从网络上流行的CF单机版中拷贝。 源码用到了Z真彩动画窗口.ec 和 精易模块 V3.0.ec ,请自行百度补充相关模块。(High imitation of CF CS starter for CS CF imitation of MOD production. Features: Easy language, use png true color window, pictures can be used directly under the CF catalog file. The main function, start CS1.6 games, high imitation CF landers, read modify the local ini game profile settings related to registry operations and games. Usage: After compiling put in CS directory, use the picture, offline web pages, ini your own collection, available from the network CF popular stand-alone version of the copy. Source used the Z true color and fine animation window .ec easy module V3.0.ec, your own Baidu supplement related modules.)
    2014-08-16 20:22:32下载
  • 326318
    AnimateWindow使用方法源码,例程程序结合易语言系统核心支持库,通过调用API函数,实现了窗口从侧面移出的功能。(AnimateWindow use source code, routine procedures core system combines easy language support library , by calling the API function , realized the side out of the window function.)
    2015-04-17 18:28:02下载
  • File-Master
    Source code for simple file attribute changer for autoit
    2013-11-22 11:13:40下载
  • 803953
    后台截图源码,程序结合易语言应用接口支持库,调用API函数实现后台截图效果。(Backstage shots source, combined with easy language application program interface support library, call the API functions backstage shots effects.)
    2014-10-08 16:26:55下载
  • 11
    易语言采集邮箱源码例程程序结合易语言正则表达式支持库,调用易语言模块实现邮箱采集。(Easy language collection mailbox source code routines combined with easy language regular expression support library, call easy language module to achieve mailbox collection.)
    2018-04-19 17:48:59下载
  • 311617
    文本高亮朗读源码,例程程序创建SAPI.SpVoice对象实现文本高亮朗读效果。(Highlight the text read aloud source , the routine creates SAPI.SpVoice object implementations highlighted text read aloud effects.)
    2016-08-21 15:13:34下载
  • 11433506
    文件搜索器1.2源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库和应用接口支持库,调用易语言模块实现文件夹搜索。(File Finder 1.2 source code, the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface and application interface support library , call the easy language modules folder search .)
    2018-05-08 21:10:05下载
  • 09135
    SC取超级权限源码例程,程序调用API函数实现进入SYSTEM超级权限。(SC to take root authority source code routines , the program calls API functions into the SYSTEM super powers .)
    2017-09-24 13:19:08下载
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