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  GNSS与惯性及多传感器组合导航系统原理 配套matlab程序(the source code for "Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multi-Sensor Integrated Navigation Systems")


MATLAB\Adjust_profile_position.m, 2022 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Adjust_profile_velocity.m, 2081 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Calculate_errors_NED.m, 2032 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\CTM_to_Euler.m, 827 , 2012-07-01
MATLAB\ECEF_to_ECI.m, 1693 , 2012-07-01
MATLAB\ECEF_to_NED.m, 2529 , 2012-07-01
MATLAB\ECI_to_ECEF.m, 1685 , 2012-07-01
MATLAB\Euler_to_CTM.m, 1316 , 2012-07-01
MATLAB\Generate_GNSS_measurements.m, 4436 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_Demo_1.m, 2874 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_Demo_2.m, 3658 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_Demo_3.m, 3637 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_Demo_4.m, 3619 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_Demo_5.m, 3624 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_Demo_6.m, 3542 , 2012-05-27
MATLAB\GNSS_Kalman_Filter.m, 9701 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_KF_Epoch.m, 6009 , 2012-07-08
MATLAB\GNSS_Least_Squares.m, 8023 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\GNSS_LS_position_velocity.m, 5163 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Gravitation_ECI.m, 1279 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Gravity_ECEF.m, 1446 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Gravity_NED.m, 1336 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\IMU_model.m, 3504 , 2012-08-08
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_1ECEF.asv, 3460 , 2016-10-12
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_1ECEF.m, 3460 , 2016-10-12
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_1ECI.m, 3436 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_1NED.m, 3449 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_2.m, 3421 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_3.m, 3477 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_4.m, 3417 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_5.m, 3402 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_6.m, 3388 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_Demo_7.m, 3390 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_navigation_ECEF.m, 6741 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_navigation_ECI.m, 7182 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Inertial_navigation_NED.m, 6512 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Initialize_GNSS_biases.m, 2402 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Initialize_GNSS_KF.m, 1979 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Initialize_LC_P_matrix.m, 1278 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Initialize_NED.m, 1989 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Initialize_NED_attitude.m, 874 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Initialize_TC_P_matrix.m, 1547 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_1.m, 6121 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_10.m, 6090 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_11.m, 6086 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_12.m, 6075 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_2.m, 6084 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_3.m, 5778 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_4.m, 5741 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_5.m, 6106 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_6.m, 6069 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_7.m, 6251 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_8.m, 6214 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\INS_GNSS_Demo_9.m, 6082 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Interpolate_profile.m, 2907 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Kinematics_ECEF.m, 3736 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Kinematics_ECI.m, 3080 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Kinematics_NED.m, 4324 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\LC_KF_Epoch.m, 5640 , 2012-07-08
MATLAB\License.txt, 1517 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Loosely_coupled_INS_GNSS.m, 13808 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Nav_equations_ECEF.m, 3494 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Nav_equations_ECI.m, 2876 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Nav_equations_NED.m, 4622 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\NED_to_ECEF.m, 2015 , 2012-07-01
MATLAB\Plot_errors.m, 3041 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Plot_profile.m, 3124 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Profile_0.csv, 160302 , 2012-04-04
MATLAB\Profile_1.csv, 876176 , 2012-04-04
MATLAB\Profile_2.csv, 1140663 , 2012-05-27
MATLAB\Profile_3.csv, 3317455 , 2012-05-27
MATLAB\Profile_4.csv, 3196857 , 2012-05-27
MATLAB\pv_ECEF_to_NED.m, 2289 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\pv_NED_to_ECEF.m, 1774 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Radii_of_curvature.m, 871 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Read_profile.m, 1517 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Satellite_positions_and_velocities.m, 2886 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Skew_symmetric.m, 529 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Smooth_profile_velocity.m, 1889 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\TC_KF_Epoch.m, 8147 , 2012-07-08
MATLAB\Tightly_coupled_INS_GNSS.m, 13811 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Update_curvilinear_position.m, 1672 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Velocity_from_curvilinear.m, 1688 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Write_errors.m, 1155 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB\Write_profile.m, 1166 , 2012-05-28
MATLAB, 0 , 2017-03-05



0 个回复

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