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于 2018-12-01 发布 文件大小:102KB
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  VC++和 Matlab 的 混 合 编 程 具 有 很 大 的 实际意义。 文 讨 论 了如何 使 用 Matlab 的 Complier 将 *.m 函 数 编 译 为 动 态 链 接 库 DLL, 提 供 给 VC++调 用 的 方 法,提 供 了 一 种 VC++与 Matlab 混合编程的 快 速 实 现 。(The mixed programming of VC++ and Matlab has great practical significance. This paper discusses how to use COMplier of MATLAB to compile *. m function into DLL of dynamic link library and provide a method for calling VC++. It also provides a fast realization of mixed programming between VC++ and MATLAB.)


VCMatlab.pdf, 116473 , 2018-12-01



0 个回复

  • mise-0.1
    类似simulink的小程序,在网上找到的,希望对大家有用。。(Similar simulink small program, found on the Internet, we want to be useful. .)
    2014-05-04 14:54:23下载
  • MyTwainScan
    因为TWAIN的协议比较复杂,该程序,为你展示了TWAIN的使用(because the agreement is more complicated, the procedures for the display you use the TWAIN)
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  • bianyiyuanli
    编译原理的学习资料,我们上课用的,没有源码传,但又想下载东西,只好传了学习资料(Compilation Principle of learning materials, we used in class, there is no source Chuan, but want to download things, but to learn from the information passed)
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