首页 » matlab » 利用EKF扩展卡尔曼滤波估计算法估计SOC ESCEKF

利用EKF扩展卡尔曼滤波估计算法估计SOC ESCEKF

于 2018-12-01 发布 文件大小:5812KB
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  利用EKF扩展卡尔曼滤波估计算法估计SOC(Estimation of SOC by EKF Extended Kalman Filter Estimation)


ESCEKF, 0 , 2015-12-31
ESCEKF\dOCVfromSOCtemp.m, 3255 , 2015-12-31
ESCEKF\E2_DYN_15_P05.mat, 3074228 , 2015-07-02
ESCEKF\E2_DYN_35_P25.mat, 2977157 , 2015-07-02
ESCEKF\E2model.mat, 11279 , 2015-07-02
ESCEKF\getParamESC.m, 2289 , 2015-11-17
ESCEKF\initEKF.m, 1567 , 2015-12-31
ESCEKF\iterEKF.m, 3926 , 2015-12-31
ESCEKF\OCVfromSOCtemp.m, 3081 , 2015-11-17
ESCEKF\README.txt, 1192 , 2015-12-31
ESCEKF\runEKF.m, 3183 , 2015-12-31
ESCEKF\SOCfromOCVtemp.m, 3187 , 2015-11-17



0 个回复

  • jsq
    两级减速器,proe4.0,包括各个零件以及装配、仿真、视频效果(2nd reducer, proe4.0, including all parts and assembly, simulation, video effects)
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