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adaptive subspace identification

于 2020-07-03 发布 文件大小:54KB
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  自适应子空间辨识,通过输入输出数据,计算状态空间方程,建模并预测。(Adaptive subspace identification, through input and output data, calculates the state space equation, modeling and forecasting.)


adaptive subspace identification\adaptive_update_Ewina.m, 9367 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\blkhank.m, 639 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\compare_baseline_non_adpt.m, 3755 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\gl2kr.m, 800 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\LICENSE, 11357 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\mydisp.m, 53 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\myqrinsert.m, 4562 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_gamma_subid.m, 6231 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_repeated_trial.m, 4926 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_repeated_trial_new.m, 5497 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_repeated_trial_new_justa.m, 5588 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_subid.m, 6713 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_subid_R.m, 7146 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_traintest.m, 1370 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_train_onesteponly.m, 512 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_trial.m, 3807 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\adaptive_trial_new.m, 3115 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\eegfit.m, 8030 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\Ewina_subid.m, 6381 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\test.m, 625 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\testlenfun.m, 438 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\trainlenfun.m, 439 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\traintestfun.m, 945 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\trial.m, 6356 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\trial_on_TI_MIMO_TFPE.m, 6028 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\trial_randsystems_SISO.m, 2837 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\trial_randsystems_TI_MIMO.m, 4215 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code\trial_randsystems_TV.m, 5252 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\plotchangeinA.m, 444 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\plot_beta.m, 1099 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\plot_test_len.m, 612 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\predic.m, 3133 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\predic_ep.m, 3134 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\qr_updating.m, 170 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\README.md, 53 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\recursive_blkhank.m, 498 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\simul.m, 2418 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\solvric.m, 1316 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\subs_sysid_sto_qr_Ewina.m, 6191 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\TV_matrix_A.m, 2866 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification\old code, 0 , 2018-08-02
adaptive subspace identification, 0 , 2018-08-06



0 个回复

  • corre_spectrum
    本程序能够计算两个信号的频域相干函数和两个信号的互功率谱。(This procedure is able to calculate the two signals in the frequency domain coherence function and the two signals cross-power spectrum.)
    2009-01-18 13:21:19下载
  • pendulum
    2010-07-06 20:10:26下载
  • bys
    matlab中使用到的贝叶斯工具箱,挺好用的,比较全。(used matlab the Bayesian toolbox, very easy to use, relatively full.)
    2013-01-06 19:48:17下载
  • cma_gaijin
    此程序为改进后的cma算法,纠正了相位的偏移,对于研究cma算法的有帮助(This program improved cma algorithm to correct the phase offset for cma algorithm)
    2020-10-17 19:37:27下载
    《微分方程及其MMATLAB求解》书中所有例题的源代码(The differential equation and MMATLAB solving "the book all the source code examples)
    2011-10-29 01:18:24下载
  • 自适应滤波器
    通过设计一个二阶加权系数自适应横向FIR滤波器,对一个加随机噪声的正弦信号实现滤波。 具体设计方案为: 1,生成标准正弦信号S 2,生成等长的随机信号N 3,生成加随机噪声的正弦信号X 4,X通过参数可调数字滤波器,输出Y 5,Y与参考信号作差得到误差E 6,E通过自适应算法调整权值W 7,用LMS算法处理噪声干扰的信号,最终实现滤波器功能(A two order weighted coefficient adaptive transverse FIR filter is designed to filter a sinusoidal signal with random noise. The specific design scheme is as follows: 1, generating a standard sinusoidal signal S 2, generating an equal length random signal N 3, generating a sinusoidal signal X with random noise 4, X can adjust the digital filter by parameter and output Y 5, the difference between the Y and the reference signal is E 6, E adjusts the weight W through the adaptive algorithm 7, the LMS algorithm is used to deal with the noise interference signal, and the filter function is finally realized.)
    2018-03-15 21:40:51下载
  • yc
    说明:  本程序利用Logistic映射产生混沌序列,并比较其游程特性(This program makes use of the Logistic map to produce a chaotic sequence, and compare its run-length features)
    2012-04-25 10:52:58下载
  • Matlab
    蚁群算法最短路径通用Matlab程序蚁群算法动态寻路算法(Shortest path algorithm for general ant colony algorithm Matlab program Dynamic Algorithm for Route)
    2010-10-19 21:43:27下载
  • ws_net.m
    matlab程序,生成小世界网络,可输入概率P,生成小世界网络模型(WS small world network)
    2015-03-26 18:49:28下载
    ceemdan是对EMD EEMD的改进算法,此程序包中有子程序和测试例子,可以运行(his algorithm was presented at ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic Plese, if you use this code in your work, please cite the paper where the algorithm was first presented. If you use this code, please cite: M.E.TORRES, M.A. COLOMINAS, G. SCHLOTTHAUER, P. FLANDRIN, "A complete Ensemble Empirical Mode decomposition with adaptive noise," IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Proc. ICASSP-11, pp. 4144-4147, Prague (CZ))
    2014-06-28 09:35:47下载
  • 696532资源总数
  • 103702会员总数
  • 113今日下载