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于 2018-09-24 发布 文件大小:949KB
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  为方便土地利用总体规划编制单位制作土地利用总体规划图件,针对市、县、乡三级土地利用总体规划制图,制作市、县、乡土地利用总体规划必选图件的图式符号库。该图式符号库适用于ArcGIS软件平台下的图件制作(In order to facilitate the land use master planning units to make land use master plan maps, for the city, county, Township three-level land use master plan mapping, the city, county, Township land use master plan must be selected map schema symbol library. The graphic symbol library is suitable for map making under the ArcGIS software platform.)



0 个回复

  • traffic
    基于mfc的车辆检测程序,利用帧间的变化来检测,适合初学图像的同学学习(Mfc-based vehicle detection program to detect changes in the use of frames, suitable for beginners to learn the image of the students)
    2009-12-07 21:02:25下载
  • BMPTEst
    实现在图像背景上叠加 下雨 下雪 的效果(Achieve in the BMP image background superimposed rain, snow effect)
    2017-07-19 11:54:09下载
  • ShutterView
    实现窗口的显示以百叶窗的形式出现的精美程序(To achieve the display window to the blinds in the form of fine program)
    2010-06-23 13:06:38下载
  • helloword5353
    说明:  均值方差与协方差 协方差矩阵、特征值与特征向量的提取、PCA原理 人脸识别算法之EigenFace、LBPH 人脸识别应用开发案例(Mean Variance and Covariance Covariance Matrix, Extraction of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, PCA Principle EigenFace and LBPH of Face Recognition Algorithms Case Study of Face Recognition Application Development)
    2020-06-23 08:40:02下载
  • Region_growing
    图像分割方法区域增长法,基于区域增长的感兴趣区域分割方法,区域生长是一种根据事先定义好的准则将像素或者子区域聚合成更大区域的过程(Image segmentation algorithm region growth method)
    2018-04-26 08:57:47下载
  • byjc
    说明:  对于一些图像来说,常用的边缘检测算法有时候无法设立合适的阈值将它们的梯度较小的模糊边缘检测出来。为了解决这个问题,有两种解决方法:将图像方差标准化,拉大模糊边缘的梯度值,或通过设置sigmoid函数,将像素所在区域的信息传递到梯度值中去,对其进行调整,就能找到合适阈值,有效地将模糊边缘提取出来。本程序把这两种算法实现并与与传统算法进行了比较。(For some images, the commonly used edge detection algorithm sometimes can not be an appropriate threshold for the gradient of their smaller fuzzy edge detected. To solve this problem, there are two solutions: the image variance standardization, widening the fuzzy edge of the gradient value, or by setting the sigmoid function pixel region to disseminate the message to the gradient values to adjust, on the can find a suitable threshold, effectively extracted fuzzy edge. This procedure of these two algorithms with the traditional algorithm.)
    2008-10-26 18:49:00下载
  • edge
    边缘检测的绝好套餐,可以拿来做博士 论文了(Edge Detection of excellent packages, can be used to do a doctoral dissertation)
    2008-04-13 14:50:04下载
  • ijaorda8
    2018-07-06 17:41:07下载
  • OpenCV-tuxiangpeizhu
    实现相位相关图像配准,编译产生库文件,用于openCV平台。实现了相位相关图像的快速搜索和两幅图像之间的匹配(Implementation phase correlation image registration, create library files compiled for openCV platform. Achieve the rapid phase correlation image search and matching between two images)
    2010-05-24 11:30:48下载
  • qiniudrive-master
    A few people have been asking for configurable rendering, especially since Twitter Bootstrap has become popular. Rajeesh CV submitted a pull request that introduced a view model for the Pager, the PaginationModel. This view model made it very easy to create an option where you can specify a DisplayTemplate that is used for the actual rendering. It works like any other ASP.NET MVC DisplayTemplate and requires a model of PaginationModel. As a bonus, the PaginationModel makes unit testing a lot easier
    2017-08-14 14:37:21下载
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