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信号瞬时相关函数的傅立叶变换 wvd

于 2018-10-31 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Wigner-Ville 分布(简称 WVD)是典型的二次型变换,它定义为信号瞬时相关函数的傅立 叶变换。 由于在计算中不加窗操作,它避免了时域分辨率和频域分辨率之间的相互牵制。 已证明,对于单分量线性调频信号,WVD 的时频表示能量集中性最优。但也正因为不涉 及窗函数,在分析多分量信号时 WVD 会受到交叉项的干扰。(The Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) is a typical quadratic transformation, which is defined as the Fourier of the instantaneous correlation function of a signal. Ye Bianhuan. Because of no window operation in the calculation, it avoids the mutual restraint between time domain resolution and frequency domain resolution. It has been proved that for the single component LFM signal, the WVD time frequency representation has the best energy concentration. But it is also because it does not involve. And window functions, when WVD is used to analyze multi-component signals, it will be interfered by cross terms.)


WignerVille.m, 1326 , 2016-12-21
WignerVille2.m, 1622 , 2018-10-09



0 个回复

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  • guangdiansheji
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