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于 2010-09-16 发布 文件大小:526KB
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  hmm文件时运用HMM算法实现噪声环境下语音识别的。其中vad.m是端点检测程序;mfcc.m是计算MFCC参数的程序;pdf.m函数是计算给定观察向量对该高斯概率密度函数的输出概率;mixture.m是计算观察向量对于某个HMM状态的输出概率,也就是观察向量对该状态的若干高斯混合元的输出概率的线性组合;getparam.m函数是计算前向概率、后向概率、标定系数等参数;viterbi.m是实现Viterbi算法;baum.m是实现Baum-Welch算法;inithmm.m是初始化参数;train.m是训练程序;main.m是训练程序的脚本文件;recog.m是识别程序。(hmm HMM algorithm file using speech recognition in noisy environments. Which is the endpoint detection process vad.m mfcc.m procedure is to calculate the MFCC parameters pdf.m function is calculated for a given observation vector of the Gaussian probability density function of output probability mixture.m is to calculate the observation vector for a HMM state output probability of observation vector is the number of Gaussian mixture per state output probability of the linear combination getparam.m before the calculation of the probability function, backward probability, calibration coefficients and other parameters viterbi.m is Viterbi algorithm implementation baum.m Baum-Welch algorithm to achieve inithmm.m is the initialization parameters train.m is the training program main.m training program is a script file recog.m is to identify procedures.)





0 个回复

  • addnoise asl
    在仿真语音增强时,往往需要向纯净语音中添加适当的噪声然后作仿真对比,这个程序正是实现这了个功能。(When the speech enhancement is emulation, it is often necessary to add appropriate noise to the pure speech and make a simulation contrast. This program is exactly the function of this program.)
    2018-01-07 20:54:31下载
  • Speeching
    端点检测算法采用现阶段比较精确的时频方差检测法,模式识别和模板匹配采用的是改进后的DTW算法(主要是限定了DTW的搜索路径,进一步精确了DTW的平行四边形的形状,进一步的减少匹配中的参数存贮量以及多余的搜索路径)。(Endpoint detection algorithm uses more precise at this stage variance time-frequency detection, pattern recognition and template matching is based on the improved DTW algorithm (DTW is mainly limited to the search path, and further precision of the DTW parallelogram shape, and further reduction of matching the parameters in the storage volume as well as the extra search path).)
    2008-04-25 14:46:57下载
  • zixiangguandejiyinjiancechengxv
    自相关函数的应用,进行基音检测,在MATLAB下进行仿真(Application of autocorrelation function for pitch detection, carried out in the MATLAB simulation)
    2009-01-31 10:43:30下载
  • Aeendcheckn
    一个完整的语音端点检测MATLAB程序序,包含有完整的文件,通过调试,正确可用 (An integrated voice activity detection MATLAB program, includinng complete documentation, through testing, can be used correctly )
    2012-05-15 10:23:55下载
    特定人语音情感识别系统 关键词:语音信号,情感特征,情感识别 含论文、源代码、实验数据等( EMOTION RECOGNITION OF SPEECH BASED ON MATLAB Keywords:Speech Signal,Emotional Feature,Emotion Recognition)
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    这是一个语音处理工具箱,提供了语音处理的基本函数,包括有分帧、能量计算、零交叉计算、多种方法的音调提取、共振峰提取。。。等等。(This is a speech processing toolbox provides the basic function of voice processing, including one of those who frame, energy calculation, zero cross-terms, various methods of pitch extraction, formant extraction. . . And so on.)
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