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于 2018-11-28 发布 文件大小:4475KB
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  二十份精选的简历模板,需要的可以下载看看(Twenty Selected Resume Templates)


20个优选简历\一页纸简历模板1.docx, 33296 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\一页纸简历模板1.pdf, 152685 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\一页纸简历模板2.docx, 27141 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\一页纸简历模板2.pdf, 114816 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\一页纸简历模板3.pdf, 180931 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\一页纸简历模板3.ppt, 1065984 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\一页纸简历模板4.pdf, 233817 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\关于简历的说明.ppt, 128512 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\大气学术型简历模板.doc, 81286 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\大气学术型简历模板.pdf, 358933 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\时间轴简历模板.docx, 121631 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\时间轴简历模板.pdf, 213581 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\灰色大气简历模板.docx, 33753 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\灰色大气简历模板.pdf, 161547 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\灰色简洁简历模板.docx, 22076 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\灰色简洁简历模板.pdf, 140158 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\简历说明.txt, 49 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\红色简洁简历模板.docx, 39388 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\红色简洁简历模板.pdf, 166900 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\草木灰圈圈简历模板.doc, 65536 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\草木灰圈圈简历模板.pdf, 171744 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\草木灰简洁风格.docx, 66996 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\草木灰简洁风格.pdf, 227990 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色两栏简历模板.docx, 34158 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色两栏简历模板.pdf, 171792 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色块状简历模板.docx, 21742 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色块状简历模板.pdf, 167675 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色大气简历模板.docx, 24503 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色大气简历模板.pdf, 174869 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色条状简历模板.docx, 35116 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色条状简历模板.pdf, 241358 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色框架简历模板.docx, 23760 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色框架简历模板.pdf, 153512 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色简洁简历模板.docx, 29109 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色简洁简历模板.pdf, 157688 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色线条简历模板.docx, 26960 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\蓝色线条简历模板.pdf, 104142 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\青色个性简历模板.docx, 121013 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历\青色个性简历模板.pdf, 262450 , 2016-11-23
20个优选简历, 0 , 2018-06-24



0 个回复

  • PAT
    Given N rational numbers in the form "numerator/denominator", you are supposed to calculate their sum. 输入描述: Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a positive integer N (<=100), followed in the next line N rational numbers "a1/b1 a2/b2 ..." where all the numerators and denominators are in the range of "long int". If there is a negative number, then the sign must appear in front of the numerator. 输出描述: For each test case, output the sum in the simplest form "integer numerator/denominator" where "integer" is the integer part of the sum, "numerator" < "denominator", and the numerator and the denominator have no common factor. You must output only the fractional part if the integer part is 0.(Input Description: Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a positive integer N (<=100), followed in the next line N rational numbers "a1/b1 a2/b2 ..." where all the numerators and denominators are in the range of "long int". If there is a negative number, then the sign must appear in front of the numerator. Output Description: For each test case, output the sum in the simplest form "integer numerator/denominator" where "integer" is the integer part of the sum, "numerator" < "denominator", and the numerator and the denominator have no common factor. You must output only the fractional part if the integer part is 0.)
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