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合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术 INSAR

于 2018-12-19 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(INSAR,Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar;简称:干涉雷达测量)是以同一地区的两张SAR图像为基本处理数据,通过求取两幅SAR图像的相位差,获取干涉图像,然后经相位解缠,从干涉条纹中获取地形高程数据的空间对地观测新技术。(INSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a new technology of space-to-Earth observation, in which two SAR images in the same area are used as basic processing data. The phase difference between two SAR images is calculated to obtain the interferometric image, and then the terrain elevation data is obtained from the interferometric fringes by phase unwrapping.)


FloodFill.m, 12083 , 2009-02-11
PhaseResidues.m, 1938 , 2008-12-22
BranchCuts.m, 16911 , 2008-12-22
estim_shift.m, 339 , 2018-04-26
main.m, 4962 , 2018-05-28



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