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于 2021-04-28 发布
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说明:  图像加密后期测试的程序,用来评价加密图像的质量好坏,可用于图像加密方面(mage encryption late test procedures, used to evaluate the quality of encrypted images, can be used for image encryption)


测试, 0 , 2017-12-06
测试\avg_gradient.m, 485 , 2009-10-02
测试\cross_entropy.m, 994 , 2011-12-07
测试\edge_intensity.m, 621 , 2009-10-02
测试\figure_definition.m, 384 , 2008-07-02
测试\mutinf.m, 1250 , 2011-12-05
测试\psnr.m, 487 , 2011-11-25
测试\readme.txt, 973 , 2011-12-07
测试\relatively_warp.m, 825 , 2011-12-07
测试\rmse.m, 140 , 2011-12-06
测试\shannon.m, 617 , 2011-12-05
测试\space_frequency.m, 414 , 2008-07-02
测试\ssim.m, 6426 , 2011-12-06
测试\variance.m, 252 , 2011-12-06



0 个回复

  • pianzhen
    可实现偏振图像合成以得到强度图像,偏振度图像等(Polarization image synthesis can be achieved to obtain intensity images, polarization images, etc.)
    2018-04-27 10:29:26下载
  • 划痕canny
    可以用于图像的canny滤波处理,直接输入图像,可以保存下来处理后的canny图像(It can be used for canny filtering of images, directly inputting images, and preserving processed canny images.)
    2019-05-21 17:17:57下载
  • Transform_2D
    这是计算机图形学中的对二维图形进行基本几何变换的程序(This is a two-dimensional computer graphics in the graphics program of basic geometric transformations)
    2009-12-29 01:41:22下载
  • 20070707-165713
    LSB信息隐藏算法,就是通常把信息隐藏在图像像素的最后一位,可能对你们有帮助(LSB information hiding algorithm, the information is usually hidden in the image pixels of the last one, you may have to help)
    2007-07-11 19:18:20下载
  • Blob-detection
    金属的Blob侦测,使用程序过滤图像上金属上的胡椒盐杂讯。(Blob metal detection, the use of salt and pepper noise filtering process on the image on the metal.)
    2016-01-08 09:42:04下载
  • ImageWienerFilter
    维纳滤波对图像去噪与最小二乘方滤波对图像去噪的比较(Wiener filter for image denoising with the least squares filter for image denoising comparison)
    2009-09-25 20:38:38下载
  • susan
    说明:  susan算法是基于灰度的特征点获取方法,适用于图像的边缘提取(susan algorithm is based on the gray-scale method to obtain the feature points for image edge extraction)
    2008-12-03 22:18:48下载
  • migfyf
    说明:  此文件为非均匀B样条曲线反求控制点再插值为曲线(This file is a non-uniform B-spline curve. The control points are inverted and then interpolated into a curve)
    2021-03-08 17:29:28下载
  • segmentation-superpixel
    超像素分割方法,在计算机视觉领域,图像分割(Segmentation)指的是将数字图像细分为多个图像子区域(像素的集合)(也被称作超像素)的过程。超像素有一系列位置相邻且颜色、亮度、纹理等特征相似的像素点组成的小区域。这些小区域大多保留了进一步进行图像分割的有效信息,且一般不会破坏图像中物体的边界信息。(Super pixel Segmentation method, in the field of computer vision, image Segmentation, Segmentation) refers to the digital image Segmentation region for multiple image sequence (the set of pixels) (also known as the pixels) process. Adjacent pixels have a series of position and features such as color, brightness, texture similar to that of small region composed of pixels. Most of these small area retains the further effective information for image segmentation, and generally does not destroy the boundary of the object in the image information.)
    2015-03-31 15:58:59下载
  • lpr
    说明:  成功实现了车牌的定位、字符分割、并用神经网络实现了字符识别功能。可运行。(The successful implementation of the license plate of the positioning, character segmentation, and neural network achieved a character recognition function. Run.)
    2009-07-22 17:19:58下载
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