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于 2020-12-24 发布
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说明:  CRPTOOL is a Toolbox for Matlab (Cross Recurrence Plot Toolbox for Matlab)


crptool\ace.m, 9623 , 2012-05-21
crptool\adjust.m, 5495 , 2012-05-21
crptool\arfit.m, 27153 , 2012-05-21
crptool\choosecolormap.m, 2043 , 2012-05-21
crptool\Contents.m, 3694 , 2012-05-21
crptool\corrgram.m, 4788 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crp.m, 31757 , 2013-05-12
crptool\crp_big.m, 33921 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crp_man.pdf, 630754 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crp2.m, 56470 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crpclean.m, 7131 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crqa.m, 54125 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crqa.m.R, 47882 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crqad.m, 13622 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crqad_big.m, 17225 , 2012-05-21
crptool\crqad2.m, 13011 , 2012-05-21
crptool\dl.m, 3385 , 2012-05-21
crptool\entropy.m, 1099 , 2013-11-04
crptool\erqa.m, 10886 , 2012-05-21
crptool\erqa2.m, 10395 , 2012-05-21
crptool\error.log, 1068 , 2012-05-21
crptool\first.m, 1475 , 2012-05-21
crptool\fnn.m, 23002 , 2012-05-21
crptool\french.m, 1702 , 2012-05-21
crptool\gpl.m, 16010 , 2012-05-21
crptool\hist2.m, 4431 , 2012-05-21
crptool\histn.m, 5037 , 2012-05-21
crptool\info.xml, 1369 , 2012-05-21
crptool\jrp.m, 34751 , 2012-05-21
crptool\jrqa.m, 44251 , 2012-05-21
crptool\mcf.m, 3721 , 2012-05-21
crptool\mgui.m, 56280 , 2012-05-21
crptool\mgui.rc, 459 , 2012-05-21
crptool\mi.m, 24671 , 2012-05-21
crptool\migram.m, 8282 , 2012-05-21
crptool\normalize.m, 1069 , 2012-05-21
crptool\phasespace.m, 20418 , 2012-05-21
crptool\phasesynchro.m, 10995 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private, 0 , 2016-06-26
crptool\private\.gpl.ace, 101 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\.gpl.crp, 101 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\.gpl.mgui, 101 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\change_colormap.m, 1146 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\change_colormapscale.m, 1283 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\check_stop.m, 1474 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\close_all.m, 1211 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\create_CRPfig.m, 4411 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\create_Ctrlfig.m, 9701 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\create_JRPfig.m, 4517 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\crp_plugin.m, 4569 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\dtw.m, 1689 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\init_properties.m, 6107 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\is_crp_plugin.m, 1305 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\levenshtein.m, 1342 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\logo.mat, 17632 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\print_error.m, 3674 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\show_crp.m, 5519 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\smart_close.m, 1342 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\splash_gpl.m, 1730 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\stretch.m, 1636 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\switch_unthresholded.m, 2631 , 2012-05-21
crptool\private\vectorswitch.m, 1108 , 2012-05-21
crptool\pss.m, 2704 , 2012-05-21
crptool\Readme.m, 9730 , 2012-05-21
crptool\recons.m, 7145 , 2012-05-21
crptool\rpde.m, 7412 , 2012-05-21
crptool\rrspec.m, 5018 , 2012-05-21
crptool\rtspec.m, 4936 , 2012-05-21
crptool\taucrp.m, 9548 , 2012-05-21
crptool\trackplot.m, 26072 , 2012-05-21
crptool\trackplot1.m, 26072 , 2012-07-13
crptool\trafo.m, 2456 , 2012-05-21
crptool\tt.m, 3761 , 2012-05-21
crptool\twinsurr.m, 5836 , 2012-05-21
crptool\waitbar.m, 8620 , 2012-05-21
crptool\winplot.m, 22744 , 2012-05-21
crptool\xcf.m, 2325 , 2012-05-21



0 个回复

  • tidujiaozheng
    通过MATLAB仿真实现梯度校正最小二乘法的验证。(Gradient through the MATLAB simulation verification correction least square method.)
    2009-05-06 18:02:22下载
  • matlab.
    说明:   MATLAB软件简介 :MATLAB产生的历史背景、 MATLAB的语言特点、 基本功能等。(Introduction to MATLAB software: MATLAB historical background, MATLAB language features, the basic functions.)
    2011-02-25 18:45:35下载
  • NumericalMethods
    包含所有数值算法的基本源代码,带有注释。(Contains all the basic numerical algorithm source code with comments.)
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  • pso
    粒子群算法,自带测试函数 (Particle swarm optimization algorithm)
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  • function6
    Pass the Images Through Optics -- Use a Gaussian "Aperture Function" This code segement can use a measured aperture function just as easily - simply replace the next five lines by "load measured_aperture" where measured_aperture is the measured function strored in ASCII and the data stored in the file measured_aperture.mat is a MATLAB .mat file that contains the matrix apfunction. (in MATLAB type "help load" for how to use load and look at the c and fortran code that shows how to read and write MATLAB .mat files). (Note: When the Point Spread Function is Gaussian, then so is the Aperture function) To simulate the effect of the tracker optics, each of the movie frames is now blurred using a 2-D FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The first frame of the resulting image is shown in Figure 1.
    2011-02-12 00:30:05下载
  • 2SVDquzao
    利用改进奇异值去除噪声,效果不错,带实例,可以参考(The improved singular value remove the noise, the effect is good, with examples, can reference)
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  • LDPC
    QC-LDPC信道编码matlab仿真程序,包含生成矩阵G,查找环长度4是否存在等功能(QC-LDPC chanel coding, include G,H generate tools,and find loop 4)
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    四轴飞行器程序,含陀螺仪姿态角显示及其控制,稳定易懂,运用PID算法,卡尔曼滤波(Four axis aircraft program, display containing gyro attitude and attitude control, stable and easy to understand, the use of PID algorithm, Calman filter)
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  • Ch-8.Image-compression
    This file consists matlab programs implemented in image compression in Digital image processing
    2013-12-05 12:57:07下载
    有关matalab方面的仿真文献,希望大家有好的东西都能够共享!(Matalab aspects related to the simulation literature, I hope everyone has good things to share!)
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