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于 2020-12-14 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 5


说明:  安卓小账本,小巧精致,很有用,精致生活从点滴做起(Android small account book, small and delicate, very useful, delicate life from a bit to start)



0 个回复

  • 小程序
    说明:  各种cfd的fortran小程序,有sod激波管精确解、近似解,shuosher激波管近似解,包含WENO差分格式,牛顿法;还有网格生成书籍。(Various CFD FORTRAN programs, including SOD shock tube exact solution, approximate solution, shuosher shock tube approximate solution, including WENO difference scheme, Newton method, and grid generation books.)
    2021-03-08 10:39:28下载
  • 用python实现的文件名批量修改源码,支持正则表达式
    用python实现的文件名批量修改源码,支持正则表达式-The file name with the python to achieve bulk modify source code, support for regular expressions
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  • GaleShapley_1213
    说明:  利用matlab 进行多对一匹配,实现稳定匹配,在资源分配方面有重要意义(Achieve many-to-one matching)
    2020-01-02 09:04:55下载
  • 4
    说明:  模糊数学+变分法+Matlab基础教程,是一个通俗易懂的教材(Variational method of fuzzy mathematics++ Matlab-based tutorial is a user-friendly materials)
    2010-03-09 09:04:13下载
  • What_Is_Mathematics_2E_CHN
    说明:  [什么是数学:对思想和方法的基本研究(增订版)],它连续23次蝉联互动出版网数学类图书月销售排行第一名,英文原版. 20世纪杰出的数学家,哥廷根学派重要成员,曾任纽约大学数学系和数学科学研究院的主任,西方公认的数学权威——R·柯朗(Richard Courant)等三位数学大师亲自执笔.对我们编程人员的思维训练非常有帮助. 发现本站只有英文版,现奉上中文版本,希望大家喜欢。([What is Mathematics: The ideas and methods of basic research (updated version)], it won 23 consecutive interactive mathematical books published on net sales ranked first in the original English edition. The 20th century, an outstanding mathematician, G枚ttingen school an important member, a former New York University Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Director, the West recognized the authority of mathematics- R Courant (Richard Courant), such as mathematical master of the three written. on our way of thinking training programmers are very help. found this site only in English, is now offering the Chinese version, I hope everyone likes.)
    2008-10-13 17:27:07下载
  • 各类扩展动态因子模型的算法 Stock_Watson_DFM
    来自于沃特森的代码,包含了估计与应用,还有数据,里面还包括各类扩展动态因子模型的算法(This provides an overview of and user guide to dynamic factor models, their estimation, and their uses in empirical macroeconomics)
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  • 2048实现QT
    这是一个2048实现了Qt,您可以在Windows IOS OS X的Linux甚至黑莓打造!它很容易阅读。如果你可以看到QML和JavaScript。
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  • kongjingyouxi-
    C语言 矿井游戏源码矿井游戏源码矿井游戏源码(Mine game source Mine game source Mine game source Mine game source )
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  • 在 QML 控件上应用自定义默认风格
    翻译maninwest@Codeforge作者:Marco Bertschi@CodeProjectQML 技术让你可以创建一个独立于平台的 UI。当前的 Qt 版本 5.2 可以让你创建一个运行在 Linux, Windows, OS X, iOS 和 Android  上的单个 GUI且无需更改代码库。这里提供的例子是如何使用类似于 CSS 的方式来设计 QML 控件风格并让这些控件可重复使用。 
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