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Meldas 500

于 2019-03-01 发布
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说明:  handbook for users about mitsu meldas 500 cnc


Meldas 500, 0 , 2018-07-20
Meldas 500\Mitsubishi-500M.pdf, 36779351 , 2016-03-30



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  • articles
    优化相关文献,主要涉及遗传算法、粒子群算法、蚁群算法,新手和高手都能从中收益(optimization relevant papers, including genetic algorithm, particle algorithm, and ant colony algorithm, both amateurs and masters can benefit from the articles)
    2010-02-05 16:48:30下载
  • Radar-Principle_3_DingLuFei
    雷达原理(第三版)丁鹭飞,雷达研究领域经典的基础类教材。文件包括各章的PPT以及PDF格式的电子全书。方便快速查阅和仔细研读相关知识。(The book, Radar Principles (3rd edition) by Ding Lufei, is a classical fundamental teaching material in the field of Radar research. The package includes PPT file of each chapter and the detailed e-book in pdf-format, which is very convnient for fast looking for or close reading up related knowledge.)
    2016-05-11 10:35:48下载
  • Crack
    用于ANSYS裂纹建模的APDL程序命令流,可建立管道上穿透裂纹模型(APDL for crack in pipeline)
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  • 计算机网络-自顶向下方法(中文第六版)最新
    计算机网络自顶向下第6版,中文版pdf,陈鸣译。(Computer network top-down version 6, Chinese version pdf, Chen Ming translation.)
    2017-11-25 19:51:50下载
  • Socialengineering
    这是一篇介绍黑客社会工程学攻击的八种常用伎俩(This is a description of the eight kinds of hacker attacks on commonly used social engineering tactics)
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  • CsystemSimAndWA_11417507
    通信系统仿真原理与无线应用,matlab仿真参考书(Communication System Simulation Theory and wireless applications, matlab simulation of reference books)
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  • PowerDesignerTeaching
    powerdesigner,很好的书籍,可以帮助学习到如何应用powerdesigner(powerdesigner, good books, can help to learn how to apply powerdesigner)
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  • DaVinci-Technology-Overview
    该文档为达芬奇技术概述,相信对新入门的人会有帮助(The document believe that the new entry would be helpful for DaVinci Technology Overview)
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  • S7-PLCSIMV5.4
    西门子仿真编程软件S7-PLCSIM V5.4,用于S7-300/400系列PLC程序的仿真(S7-PLCSIM V5.4 offers the following new features with this release: DP, Industrial Ethernet and PC Internal connection types supported in addition to MPI Formerly, S7-PLCSIM used a default connection of MPI, address 2. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, you can browse STEP 7 projects and select a networked node for establishing a simulation connection. S7-PLCSIM simulates the CPU of the selected node, all nodes that belong to that CPU, and the subnet of the selected node. Increased number of blocks supported for simulation S7-PLCSIM supports a set of OBs, SFBs, and SFCs as described in the electronic manual and online help. Of these, some are NOPs that is, they do not perform any operation. With S7-PLCSIM V5.4, the number of blocks that are not NOPs has increased.)
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  • Linux_Program
    《精通嵌入式Linux编程》电子书,很好的嵌入式Linux学习教材,广大Linux学习者很好的参考资料。(" Proficient in embedded Linux programming," e-books, a very good learning materials embedded Linux, the majority of learners very good reference for Linux.)
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