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于 2019-03-18 发布
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说明:  hye all i very need power jack dc supply



0 个回复

  • SinTest
    实时正弦曲线演示,是用mian作主方法的,符合编程规则(Real-time sine curve shows)
    2011-12-07 00:48:33下载
  • dangdang
    java编写的简单网站,使用Session,Cookie和数据库(A simple website,using Session,Cookie and database.It uses the java code is written.)
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  • kettle
    专门为kettle这款优秀的ETL工具开发的web端管理工具。 kettle作为非常优秀的开源ETL工具得到了非常广泛的使用,一般的使用的都是使用客户端操作管理,但问题是当投入生产环境使用时,动辄上百或几百个job需要管理,这时在使用客户端管理已经很难完成了。我所知道的解决方案有用命令行的调用的,操作麻烦,总之还是很难用啦,还有就是开发web端管理工具,kettle自带了一个web端管理工具,界面极其简陋不说,还很难用,基本无法投入生产环境使用,其他没留意到还有没有较好对众多job进行管理的工具。(A web-side management tool specially developed for kettle, an excellent ETL tool. Kettle as a very excellent open source ETL tool has been widely used, the general use is the use of client operation management, but the problem is that when used in production environment, hundreds or hundreds of jobs need to be managed, when the use of client management has been very difficult to complete. The solution I know has command-line calls, troublesome operation, in short, it is difficult to use, but also the development of web-side management tools, kettle has a web-side management tool, the interface is extremely simple, not to mention, it is also difficult to use, basically can not be put into production environment, other did not notice there is no better. Tools for managing many jobs.)
    2020-06-23 20:00:01下载
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  • huawei
    huawei2019年网络技术精英挑战赛复赛java题目(Huawei 2009 Network Technology Elite Challenge Seminar Java Topic)
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  • the purpose of this software is how to search, which is when the user input for...
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