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于 2019-03-27 发布
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说明:  基于锁相环的BPSK,QPSK的调制解调程序,并给出了仿真结果(The modulation and demodulation program of BPSK,QPSK based on PLL is given, and the simulation results are given.)


Yw我的锁相环仿真(源程序与仿真结果) .doc, 70656 , 2008-06-01



0 个回复

  • ebook
    GDI on Windows Mobile---托管和本地代码的性能比较,开发者网络瞄准中国程序员群体,涵盖软件开发的各个技术层面,从Windows下的应用程序开发,(GDI on Windows Mobile--- managed and native code performance comparison, the developer network aimed at groups of programmers in China, covering various technical aspects of software development, from Windows, application development,)
    2010-01-02 10:59:24下载
  • ppalyziig
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  • SnakeMobile
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  • 53216255
    说明:  这个程序是关于8dpsk仿真的,经调试可用(this procedure is about 8 dpsk simulation and is available for debugging)
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  • 529422
    LDPC 64QAM仿真程序,很详细,有具体的编码和解码源程序,对信道编码的人很有帮助,(LDPC 64QAM simulation program, very detailed, there is a specific code and code source program, very helpful to channel coding people,)
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