首页 » Lua » 1335492_QRcode


于 2019-04-19 发布
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说明:  简单的介绍了基于matlab的QR码的识别,包括图像的预处理,图像定位,图像的识别等(This paper briefly introduces the recognition of QR code based on matlab, including image preprocessing, image positioning, image recognition and so on.)


QRcode\1.bmp, 174038 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\1.fig, 428903 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\2.fig, 366932 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\3.fig, 390815 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\90.bmp, 12862 , 2009-11-10
QRcode\aa.asv, 260 , 2009-11-10
QRcode\aa.m, 384 , 2009-11-10
QRcode\Demo.m, 498 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\Dimchanged.asv, 1128 , 2009-08-08
QRcode\imrotate1.asv, 145 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\imrotate1.m, 107 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\main.asv, 200 , 2009-11-25
QRcode\medchanged.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\medchanged.fig, 6228 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\medfilter.asv, 1715 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\medfilter.m, 1722 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\medlunwen.bmp, 236278 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\mininfo.asv, 2748 , 2009-11-25
QRcode\PaielliValue.asv, 450 , 2009-03-26
QRcode\Pallivalue2.asv, 524 , 2009-04-11
QRcode\qr.bmp, 307254 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qr190.bmp, 307256 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\QR2.bmp, 415220 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\qr2180.bmp, 255848 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\qr290.bmp, 255846 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\QR3.bmp, 415206 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\QR4.bmp, 415206 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\qr5.bmp, 576464 , 2009-11-07
QRcode\qrbw.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qrcode.txt, 159681 , 2009-11-10
QRcode\qrfilt.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qrgb.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qrmed.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qrmedd.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qrmedfilt.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qrmedfilt.fig, 5493 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\qrotate.bmp, 197582 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\QR_code_main.m, 5815 , 2009-10-16
QRcode\QR_code_pos.m, 12226 , 2009-11-10
QRcode\Readme.txt, 39 , 2009-10-12
QRcode\rgb.bmp, 257574 , 2009-09-30
QRcode\sizergb.m, 56 , 2009-11-09
QRcode\temed.m, 349 , 2009-11-14
QRcode\test.m, 148 , 2009-11-07
QRcode, 0 , 2010-01-07



0 个回复

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  • pcadenoise
    矩阵 pca或者低秩方法去噪,利用svd分解,实现对图像矩阵的去噪,该方法支持对rgb图像的去噪。使用代码请 文章中表明出处,感谢。 感谢重庆市研究生科研创新项目支持,项目号CYS16183(image denoise by low-rand regularizer or pca method. the low rank is evaluted by svd, and this method is also support for rgb image.)
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  • Seg_soble
    sobel segmentation, this algorithme has a great effect for segmenting
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  • lenabmp
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