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于 2020-07-02 发布
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说明:  欢迎学习Matlab和Simulink的控制教程。它们旨在帮助您学习如何使用Matlab和Simulink来分析和设计自动控制系统。它们涵盖了Matlab和Simulink的基础知识,最常见的经典控制设计技术(PID、根轨迹和频率响应),以及一些现代(状态空间)控制设计和数字控制。教程的流程由主页上的图像映射给出:每个教程都是一个位于左侧的框。还有七个示例,这些示例将贯穿教程(每个示例页在图像地图中用一个点表示)。在整个教程中,您将在每个页面的底部找到指向所有教程的链接,以及指向类似示例的链接。还提供了返回主页、完整索引以及matlab命令和simulink块列表的链接。(Welcome to the Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink. They are designed to help you learn how to use MATLAB and Simulink for the analysis and design of automatic control systems. They cover the basics of MATLAB and Simulink, the most common classical control design techniques (PID, root locus, and frequency response), as well as some modern (state-space) control design and digital control. The flow of the tutorials is given by the image map on the home page: each tutorial is a box along the lefthand side. There are also seven examples which are followed through the tutorials (each example page is indicated in the image map by a dot). Throughout the tutorials, you will find links at the bottom of each page to all of the tutorials as well as links to similar examples. Links are also given to come back to the home page, to the complete index, and to the list of MATLAB commands and Simulink blocks.)


eetop.cn_Control_Tutorials_for_MATLAB_and_Simulink.chm, 4895457 , 2010-11-29



0 个回复

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