首页 » Visual C++ » 在VC++6.0中用MSComm控件编程,可以实现串口接


于 2005-01-04 发布 文件大小:3824KB
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  在VC++6.0中用MSComm控件编程,可以实现串口接(used in VC 6.0 MSComm programming, serial port access can be achieved)



0 个回复

  • Mvbcardtest_s
    PC机MVB总线通讯测试程序(MVB从设备),PC机使用Duagon的MVB通讯卡。程序做为MVB的从设备,包括MVB驱动,MVB主配置,MVB端口通讯收发的例子。(PC, MVB bus communication test procedure (MVB from the device), the PC machine use Duagon the MVB communication card. Program as from MVB MVB driver, the MVB the main configuration, MVB port communications transceiver example.)
    2013-05-15 14:41:48下载
  • Cross-layer-
    一种基于遗传算法的OFDMA系统的跨层资源分配(Cross-layer resource a genetic algorithm-based allocation of OFDMA system)
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  • BlueStack
    说明:  自己做的蓝牙协议栈,目前完成了hci,l2cap和sdp层(Own Bluetooth protocol stack)
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  • R_95302909IEC103-NR
    iec103 规约上位机源代码,喜欢的就下吧。(iec103 Statute of the host computer source code, like on the next bar.)
    2021-04-22 10:58:49下载
  • Test_Parl
    使用VC对并口进行访问和控制的VC程序示例,该程序完全用API完成(parallel to the use of VC visit and control procedures VC example, the procedure is totally complete with API)
    2005-06-01 20:55:03下载
  • phone_com
    一个基于串口的手机短信发送/接收程序;Demo很简单,是以异步方式读写串口的;在对话框初始化中修改串口的配置参数正确后,能100%的正常发送/接收短信。 (A message based on the serial port of the mobile phone to send/receive process Demo is very simple, based on asynchronous serial reading and writing in the dialog box to initialize the serial port to modify configuration parameters correct to 100 of the normal Send/receive message.)
    2008-07-13 18:24:26下载
  • Linux C下服务器与客户端之间的文件传输
    实现windows和linux之间的通信 或者 window间通信 linux间通信(Communication between windows and Linux or communication between Linux communication between window)
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  • 103Test
    串口或者以太网口的103规约的端口测试和规约解析软件,解压即可用。(iec103 TEST)
    2012-07-13 13:05:01下载
  • VC_MFC-Sample1
    Microsoft Visual C++ MFC串口通信编程详解,主要介绍了用CreateFile()函数和WriteFile()函数读写串口的实例,以及设置 串口属性的实例. 在工业控制中,工控机(一般都基于 Windows 平台)经常需要与智能仪表通过串口 进行通信.串口通信方便易行,应用广泛. 一般情况下,工控机和各智能仪表通过 RS485 总线进行通信.RS485 的通信方式是 半双工的,只能由作为主节点的工控 PC 机依次轮询网络上的各智能控制单元子节点. 每次通信都是由 PC 机通过串口向智能控制单元发布命令,智能控制单元在接收到正 确的命令后作出应答. (Microsoft Visual C++ MFC serial communication programming explain CreateFile () and WriteFile () function to read and write the serial port of the instance, and set the serial port attribute instance in industrial control, IPC (generally based on the Windows platform) often need to communicate with the smart meter through the serial port serial communication easy and widely used normal circumstances, the IPC and intelligent instrument through RS485 communication RS485 communication is half-duplex, only as the primary node industrial PC turn polling network intelligent control unit child nodes. every communication from a PC via the serial port to issue commands to the intelligent control unit, intelligent control unit receives the correct command response.)
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  • VC_UP_BallKey
    说明:  说明:此为球形开关测试程序的上位机软件。 能够记录由下位机上传的每支球形开关 的通断情况,自动记录上传的时间, 并且会将历次的结果保存在PC机的硬盘 中,带有具体的日期,方便查询。(Note : This spherical switch to the testing procedures PC software. To record the next crew uploaded each spherical switch-off, automatically records upload time, and will keep all the previous results of the PC's hard disk, with the specific date, and easily accessible.)
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