首页 » matlab » 射线追踪法


于 2021-01-06 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 29


说明:  大气波导下,电磁波射频追踪研究,利用Matlab进行仿真(Radio Frequency Tracking of Electromagnetic Waves in Atmospheric Waveguide)


射线追踪法\hunhebodao.m, 625 , 2017-04-14
射线追踪法\Main_ray.m, 7847 , 2019-05-07
射线追踪法\Sub_evaporation.m, 170 , 2016-04-27
射线追踪法\Sub_FourParaRefPro.m, 560 , 2019-05-06
射线追踪法\Sub_StanRefPro.m, 84 , 2016-10-27
射线追踪法\untitled.m, 42 , 2019-04-30
射线追踪法\结果图.fig, 242766 , 2019-04-30
射线追踪法, 0 , 2019-05-21



0 个回复

  • convolution
    卷积码和turbo的结合。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。(The combination of convolutional codes and turbo)
    2012-08-30 15:33:25下载
  • lab100
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    2020-06-24 12:20:02下载
  • Communication_Network20071017_12
    主要介绍ofdm中各种信道估计方法,包含一维和二维信道估计方法(Introduces the OFDM channel estimation in a variety of methods, including the one-dimensional and two-dimensional channel estimation methods)
    2021-03-17 20:59:21下载
  • Modicon_Modbus
    标准MODBUS规约文档。Modbus 协议是应用于电子控制器上的一种通用语言。通过此协议,控制器相互之间、控制器经由网络(例如以太网)和其它设备之间可以通信。它已经成为一通用工业标准。(Standard MODBUS Statute of the document. Modbus protocol is applied to an electronic controller on the lingua franca. With this agreement, the controller between the controller via the network (such as Ethernet) and other devices can communicate. It has become a common industry standard.)
    2009-12-24 10:56:11下载
  • HPPP-model
    仿真源码包括了多层异构蜂窝网络中基于齐次泊松点过程(HPPP)的建模方法,一篇介绍该模型的12年发表在IEEE trans的论文。以及传统六边形建模方法和信道增益矩阵的计算。(Simulation source code, including the multi-heterogeneous cellular networks based on homogeneous Poisson point process (HPPP) modeling method, a description of the model' s 12-year papers published in IEEE trans. And traditional modeling methods and hexagonal channel gain matrix calculation.)
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  • ACCF
    迭代ACCF相参积累与参数估计,SAR回波,只加了噪声(Iterative ACCF coherent accumulation and parameter estimation)
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  • vb.RS232
    模仿超级终端风格的RS232串口调试工具 这是一个模仿Windows系统带的超级终端风格的RS232串口调试工具。非常容易读取和写入端口,发送支持ASCII字符模式,可以打开二进制文件以16进制格式显示发送。支持工作内容保存,下次加载。 里面的那个动画窗体加载出现蛮有意思,大家可以学习下。尤其对调试AT指令之类的比较方便。(RS232 serial debug tool imitating super terminal style This is a SuperTerminal style RS232 serial debugging tool that mimics the Windows system. It is easy to read and write ports, send ASCII character mode and open binary files to display in 16 binary format. Support work content to save, next load. Loading the animated form inside is quite interesting. You can learn from it. In particular, it is more convenient to debug AT instructions.)
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  • sir
    一个sir建模的matlab程序。希望对大家有用(one sir modeling programm written by matlab, hope for everyone using)
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  • LFM
    LFM线性调频波的MATLAB仿真 利用matlab软件设计匹配滤波器。具体包括: 1):阐述脉冲压缩(匹配滤波)的基本原理; 2):输入信号为线性调频信号,存在的噪声信号为白噪声; 3):通过脉冲压缩处理,讨论输出信噪比的改善。 (The the LFM chirp wave MATLAB simulation using matlab software design matched filter. Specifically including: 1): elaborated pulse compression (the basic principle of the matched filter) 2): the input signal is a chirp signal, the noise present in the signal is white noise 3): by a pulse compression processing discussed output SNR improved.)
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