首页 » Visual C++ » MoveText


于 2020-06-25 发布
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说明:  text moving on graph


srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.aps, 827700 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.clw, 1251 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.cpp, 2091 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.dsp, 4389 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.dsw, 541 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.h, 1346 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.ncb, 82944 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.plg, 2337 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveText.rc, 5517 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveTextDlg.cpp, 6026 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MoveTextDlg.h, 1777 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MyStatic.cpp, 1314 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\MyStatic.h, 1231 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\ReadMe.txt, 3615 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\res\0362.bmp, 806456 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\res\MoveText.ico, 1078 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\res\MoveText.rc2, 400 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\resource.h, 777 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\StdAfx.cpp, 210 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\StdAfx.h, 1054 , 2007-05-08
srcfans.com\MoveText\res, 0 , 2017-02-27
srcfans.com\MoveText, 0 , 2017-02-27
srcfans.com, 0 , 2017-02-27



0 个回复

  • TriPlot_v2008
    本程序在vc2008环境下可运行成功,为本人的原创窗口程序,源代码结构完整。用于高斯束地震模型的正演数值模拟,运行时分为三步:1,建立模型;2.射线追踪;3.合成地震记录。(In vc2008 environment, the program can run successfully, I have the original window procedure for the forward modeling of seismic modeling Gaussian beam is divided into three steps: 1 runtime modeling 2. Ray tracing 3 synthetic seismogram .)
    2013-02-26 17:19:23下载
  • ResourceManager
    这是用MFC编写的资源管理器,是目前我所看到的写的比较好的,拿出来与大家共享(It is written in MFC resource manager, is currently writing I ve seen better, come to share with you)
    2013-09-17 08:53:37下载
  • tmlkkd-Plograms
    一个用mfc来编的秒表小程序,挺好玩的,我话了很多时间的(A stopwatch made up with mfc Mini Programs, quite fun, I talked a lot of time)
    2018-12-30 12:27:05下载
  • duilib-360-3d
    用DuiLib界面库做的仿360的界面,非常漂亮,因为网上流传的360界面没有添加3d动画,此源码中把这个功能给添加上了,和大家共享。(Imitation 360 interface with DuiLib interface library, very beautiful, because of the spread of the Internet 360 interface does not add a 3d animation, this source this function to add and share.)
    2012-06-01 09:55:32下载
  • time
    调用时间及日期函数,在对话框上显示当前时间及当前日期。(Call time and date function, in the dialog box displays the current time and the current date.)
    2013-08-17 09:10:09下载
  • dialogbox
    VC编的通用对话框源程序,觉得很不错,希望能与大家共同分享(VC made generic dialog source, feel very good, hoping to share with you)
    2009-01-06 09:43:25下载
  • BiyeSheji
    起重机工况选型对话框,包括程序与数据库,使用VS2008中的C++编写的MFC对话框,代码丰富。(The crane operating mode selection dialog box, including program and database use the VS2008 in C++ written MFC dialog box, code.)
    2012-10-30 22:06:38下载
  • Prop
    逃跑按钮的巧妙实现。如何制作属性页对话框和向导对话框,融合讲解组合框(如何调整组合框的大小)、列表框、单选按钮、复选按钮等常用对话框控件的多种使用方法。(Clever implementation escape button. How to make a property page dialog box and the wizard dialog box, combo box integration to explain (how to adjust the size of the combo box), list boxes, radio buttons, check buttons, etc. a variety of common dialog control to use.)
    2009-12-06 16:01:48下载
  • windows2000filedlg
    类似2000风格的对话框,可以直接应用于程序,增强界面的美观程度.(similar style dialog, can be directly applied to procedures, and the beautiful interface level.)
    2007-03-21 09:48:58下载
  • Dialog_Access
    基于vc++ MFC的UG二次开发——对话框的操作(Based vc++ MFC of UG secondary development- Dialog operation)
    2013-05-30 22:28:02下载
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