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于 2020-06-24 发布
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说明:  A、名称:限幅滤波法(又称程序判断滤波法) B、方法: 根据经验判断,确定两次采样允许的最大偏差值(设为A), 每次检测到新值时判断: 如果本次值与上次值之差A,则本次值无效,放弃本次值,用上次值代替本次值。 C、优点: 能有效克服因偶然因素引起的脉冲干扰。 D、缺点: 无法抑制那种周期性的干扰。 平滑度差。(A. Name: Limited filter method (also known as program judgement filter method) B. Method: Based on experience, the maximum allowable deviation (set to A) of two sampling times is determined. Judge each time a new value is detected: If the difference between the current value and the previous value is


滤波法.docx, 21480 , 2019-07-16



0 个回复

  • LP_of_energy
    基于长期负荷预测的线性规划燃机出力能量优化控制(Long-term load forecasting based on linear programming optimization of gas turbine power output control)
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  • OpenFileDialog
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  • 电力系统暂态故障模拟再现系统
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  • Cangle
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  • tubedivide
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  • zabo
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