首页 » Java » ConvertTool


于 2020-06-22 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 1


说明:  GBK,unicode utf-8 编码转换工具(Encode Convert Tool between GBK,unicode utf-8,url)


ConvertTool\.classpath, 301 , 2019-03-09
ConvertTool\.myumldata, 66 , 2019-03-16
ConvertTool\.project, 387 , 2019-03-16
ConvertTool\.settings\org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs, 52 , 2019-03-16
ConvertTool\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs, 598 , 2019-03-09
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\frame\ConvertPanel.class, 6293 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\frame\MainFrame.class, 1769 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\frame\ToASCIIPanel.class, 291 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\frame\ToUnicodePanel.class, 1449 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\frame\ToUTF8Panel.class, 288 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\tool\ConvertTool.class, 4766 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\tool\Fonts.class, 462 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\tool\StringToHex.class, 1346 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\tool\Test.class, 1379 , 2019-07-19
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\frame\ConvertPanel.java, 9809 , 2019-03-16
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\frame\MainFrame.java, 1436 , 2019-03-16
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\frame\ToASCIIPanel.java, 104 , 2019-03-12
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\frame\ToUnicodePanel.java, 1645 , 2019-03-13
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\frame\ToUTF8Panel.java, 107 , 2019-03-12
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\tool\ConvertTool.java, 7555 , 2019-03-16
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\tool\Fonts.java, 153 , 2019-03-12
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\tool\StringToHex.java, 568 , 2019-03-15
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\tool\Test.java, 906 , 2019-03-15
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\frame, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt\tool, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\frame, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt\tool, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\bin\com\mmt, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\src\com\mmt, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\bin\com, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\src\com, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\.settings, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\bin, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool\src, 0 , 2019-07-21
ConvertTool, 0 , 2019-07-21
code51.jar, 11847 , 2019-07-21



0 个回复

  • fanzheji
    一个反褶积的VC++例子,简单明了,很适合刚刚开始学习信号分析的人(A deconvolution of VC++ Example simple, it is suitable for signal analysis has just begun to study people)
    2008-08-12 13:42:40下载
  • Closepc1
    可设置任意日期或时间的定时提醒和关机小工具(time remind and close computer tool)
    2015-03-16 11:11:05下载
  • pro10
    USACO第10题,Marry乳业从一些奶农手中采购牛奶,并且每一位奶农为乳制品加工企业提供的价格是不同的。此外,就像每头奶牛每天只能挤出固定数量的奶,每位奶农每天能提供的牛奶数量是一定的。每天Marry乳业可以从奶农手中采购到小于或者等于奶农最大产量的整数数量的牛奶。 给出Marry乳业每天对牛奶的需求量,还有每位奶农提供的牛奶单价和产量。计算采购足够数量的牛奶所需的最小花费。 (Give the requirement of milk and the amount that they offer.)
    2013-05-24 15:27:56下载
  • Timerjishi
    VC++ 源码编译实现的计时器小程序,比较简易的计时器,比秒要再快一些,不过这个时间频率是可以调的,如图所示,点击开始计时功能,计时器就开始工作了,可看到数字在不停的增大。(Timer applets VC++ source compiler implementation, relatively simple timer than seconds again faster, but this time frequency can be adjusted, as shown, click the start timing function the timer began working, can be see the numbers kept increasing.)
    2013-03-10 13:33:46下载
  • Phone-book-management
    这是一款基于VC++6.0平台的电话簿管理系统,适合广大C++初学者借鉴学习。(This is a platform based on the VC++6.0phone book management system, suitable for C++ beginners to learn from.)
    2012-03-20 15:16:53下载
  • wxrki
    说明:  主要是异步通讯编程,C语言,大家可以看一下,以提高自己的水平,一起努力(Mainly asynchronous communication programming, C language, we can take a look, in order to improve their level, work togethe)
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  • parityCheck
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  • cadtoansys
    将autocad软件中的线和面导入到ansys模型中,进行建模和处理(transform line and area from autocad to ansys)
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  • OutPutExcel
    datatable 内容进行Excel输出(Excel output datatable content)
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  • tabusearch
    metlab求解的禁忌搜索算法,求解的实例在有效的时间范围内可得。(Solving metlab taboo search algorithm for solving the example in the effective time frame available.)
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  • 696524资源总数
  • 103783会员总数
  • 41今日下载