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于 2020-06-21 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 1


说明:  简单学生管理系统,属性,事件,事件响应,课程中用到的(javaSimple Student Management System, Attributes, Events, Event Response, Used in the Course)


student\.classpath, 301 , 2019-06-03
student\.project, 383 , 2019-06-03
student\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs, 598 , 2019-06-03
student\bin\student\Student.class, 2471 , 2019-06-24
student\src\student\Student.java, 1707 , 2019-06-03
student\bin\student, 0 , 2019-06-24
student\src\student, 0 , 2019-06-03
student\.settings, 0 , 2019-06-03
student\bin, 0 , 2019-06-24
student\src, 0 , 2019-06-03
student, 0 , 2019-06-03



0 个回复

  • MyProgram
    学生成绩管理系统,有学生和老师两种登陆权限,对学生基本信息、课程和成绩等的查询、添加、修改;c#+sql server 2005,简易实用。(Student achievement management system, there are two kinds of students and teachers landing rights, basic information on students, curriculum and performance such as query, add, modify c#+ sql server 2005, simple and practical.)
    2010-05-17 07:18:49下载
  • library
    图书馆管理系统,实现图书馆的查询、借阅、还书、续借等功能。(Library management system, library research, borrow books, renewals, etc.)
    2012-05-20 19:04:59下载
  • StuManageSuper
    使用vc6.0开发的学生管理系统,包括对成绩的增删改查,并有管理员权限以及带柱型图和饼图的个人成绩统计和班级成绩统计(最高成绩、最低成绩、平均分等)。 管理员用户名为space,密码为19871025。 演示程序时可打开文件夹中的050704new,里面有测试数据。(Vc6.0 students to develop the use of management systems, including additions and deletions to search results and have administrator privileges, as well as columnar with pie charts and statistics and personal accomplishments achieved statistical classes (maximum performance, minimum performance, with an average grade) . Administrator user name space, password is 19871025. Demo program can open the folder 050704new, there are test data.)
    2009-04-13 18:14:21下载
  • ex10
    定义一个CStudent类,在该类定义中包括:一个数据成员score(分数)及两个静态数据成员total(总分)和学生人数count:成员函数STC(float s)设置分数,求总分,累计学生人数:静态成员函数Sum返回总分;静态成员函数Average求平均值。在main函数中,输入某班同学的成绩,并调用上述函数求全班学生的总分和平均分。(Define a CStudent class in the class definition, including: a data member score (Score) and two static data members total (total score) and the number of students count: the member function STC (float s) set score, find the total score, the cumulative Number of students: the static member function Sum return score static member function Average average. In the main function, enter the results of a class of students seeking the total score and the average score of students in the class and call the above function.)
    2012-12-04 21:00:34下载
  • studentmanager
    学校的学生管理系统,有管理员管理,学生管理,老师管理等模块。(failed to translate)
    2012-03-05 16:07:00下载
  • chengjiguanlixitong
    成绩管理系统 可比帮助学windows界面编程和C#语言(Comparable performance management system to help the school windows interface programming and the C# language)
    2013-03-20 21:57:04下载
  • studentinformancesystem
    一个简单的学生管理系统,功能很简单,还有待进一步提高(a simple student management system, function is very simple, there is a need to further raise)
    2007-03-21 23:03:44下载
  • Java
    通过登录窗口,进行系统登录,可以修改用户的密码,可以浏览学生的信息,添加、删除、修改学生的信息等(scan information)
    2009-12-14 20:43:24下载
  • biyeshejidzsc
    自己做的毕业设计还有个模版,大家不要见怪哈(own graduates also have a template design, we do not mind Kazakhstan)
    2006-12-23 22:01:53下载
  • exam
    在线考试系统,2013最新自主研发,绝无抄袭。(Online examination system in 2013, the latest independent research and development, no plagiarism.)
    2013-03-27 18:02:00下载
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