首页 » matlab » 鸢尾花分类


于 2020-09-17 发布
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说明:  使用四种方法进行鸢尾花分类:最小距离分类器,K 近邻法,感知器,Fisher 准则。(Four methods are used to classify iris: minimum distance classifier, K-nearest neighbor method, perceptron and Fisher criterion.)



0 个回复

    利用MATLAB进行数值计算与数据分析,很好的学习教材(The use of MATLAB for numerical analysis and data, good learning materials)
    2009-04-16 19:44:01下载
  • Planning
    matlab 经典算法 规划问题讲义及例题(classical algorithm matlab planning notes and Example)
    2009-12-08 13:00:05下载
  • project_matlab
    说明:  实现语音信号线性预测编码的程序包。。对毕设很有帮助哦(Linear predictive coding voice signal package. . Oh for helpful complete set)
    2011-04-17 12:01:55下载
  • sigma-delta-modulation
    高精度、低功耗模数转换器是当今集成电路设计模拟领域的研究热点之一,采用sigma-delta调制原理和过釆样原理的模数转换器广泛使用在音频、数字网络、电子测量等系统中。此类模数转换器,为降低信号带内的量化噪声功率,而釆用噪声整形技术,为提高模数转换器的信噪比,使用过采样技术,将基带中的量化噪声调制到了高频区域,这样就增加了基带中的信噪比,也就是增加了转换器的有效量化位数,由于采用较高的过采样率,Sigma-Delta ADC的转换速率相对较低,高精度和较低转换速率的特点,使得Sigma-Delta ADC特别适用于测量。(High precision, low power analog to digital converter is in today s integrated circuit design simulation has become one of the hot research field, the principle of sigma-delta modulation and ADC sampling principle is widely used in audio, digital network, electronic measurement system. This type of analog-to-digital converter, in order to reduce the quantization noise power signal in the band, and the use of noise shaping technique, in order to improve the SNR of the analog-to-digital converter, using the oversampling technique, modulate the quantization noise in the baseband to the high frequency region, which increases in the baseband signal to noise ratio, that is to increase the effective number of quantization bits converter, due to the sampling rate is high, the Sigma-Delta ADC conversion rate is relatively low, the characteristics of high accuracy and low conversion rate, so that Sigma-Delta ADC is especially suitable for measuring)
    2015-01-08 13:06:02下载
  • sagar
    for trainng the data.....
    2010-06-09 19:18:10下载
  • Modern_communication_systems-use_matlab
    很好的MATLAB书籍,推荐!新手入门的好资料。(MATLAB good books, recommend! Good data entry of the green hand. )
    2009-03-28 11:38:52下载
  • chxu
    本程序用于测量增强语音与纯净语音的对数谱距离,用于语音增强。对数谱距离越小,表明增强语音与纯净语音越接近,增强语音质量越好;反之,则增强语音质量越差。(Calculates the average log-spectral distance between CLEAN and NOISY signals. Frames are 25ms long with 60 percent (15ms) overlap, hamming windowed. RS is the remove silence option (default: 0) if 1, the program uses a Voice Activity Detector to find non-speech frames and eliminates them from calculation of LSD. FS is the sampling frequency (Default 10KHz). )
    2020-10-08 17:27:36下载
  • BNT
    The Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab was written by Kevin Patrick Murphy et al. This version was last updated on 17 Oct 2007..
    2011-06-05 16:39:19下载
  • four-node-element
    输入单元节点坐标及材料参数,输出单元刚度矩阵,用4节点平面四边形等参单元计算分析平面应力问题。(Nodal coordinate input unit and material parameters, the output element stiffness matrix, using a 4-node plane quadrilateral isoparametric plane stress calculation and analysis unit.)
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    计算声压级平均值的四种方法:算术平均法,声压均方根平均法,能量平均法等(Four methods to calculate the average of sound pressure level are arithmetic average method, pressure square root mean method, energy averaging method and so on)
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