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于 2020-06-17 发布
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说明:  淘宝商品放大镜代码,基本代码 (Taobao commodity magnifier code, basic code)(Taobao commodity magnifier code, basic code)



0 个回复

  • jihebinjiaojiyunsuan
    说明:  简单的集合的并与交集运算程序,由c语言编写。(Simple set of procedures with the intersection operator by c language.)
    2009-08-15 18:26:52下载
    RAPPORT_TP_RNEU La descente de gradient est une méthode d’optimisation très simple où l’on utilise la dérivée (ou le gradient, en dimension > 1) d’une fonction afin de trouver un extremum local. La méthode repose sur la formule itérative :
    2013-12-20 23:43:40下载
  • Target tracking UKF function
    简单传统目标跟踪算法,使用UKF函数进行估计(Target tracking UKF function)
    2019-04-15 20:36:16下载
  • 阈值1
    说明:  采用差分阈值法对心电信号QRS波进行特征提取的matlab程序。,Differential threshold method QRS wave of ECG feature extraction of matlab program.(A matlab program for feature extraction of QRS wave of ECG signal by differential threshold method is presented.)
    2020-06-16 03:00:01下载
  • fushang
    这是一个用负熵来度量非高斯性的程序,分离效果很不错(This is a negative entropy to measure non-Gaussian nature of the procedure, the separation effect is pretty good)
    2008-06-04 10:48:50下载
  • WindPMSG_985w_45A_70V_crowbar1
    说明:  1kw左右永磁直驱风机并网模型;带有低电压穿越;穿越方式是电阻耗能型,控制直流母线电压下降。(The grid-connected model of permanent magnet direct drive fan around 1kw; with low voltage crossing; the crossing mode is resistance energy dissipation type, which controls the DC bus voltage drop.)
    2019-12-19 11:05:54下载
  • socket建立连接超时的控制
    socket建立连接超时的控制 -Controlling socket when timeout
    2022-01-25 21:36:20下载
  • ADOcontrolccessDB
    MFC下使用ADO技术访问ACCESS数据库,还不错呀,赶快下了(MFC using ADO technology to access ACCESS database, it is pretty good, hurry down the)
    2010-03-04 17:23:33下载
  • PE_Explorer_ha
    PE Explorer(pexplorer)是功能强悍的软件汉化工具,也是大家常用的反编译工具,能可视化翻遍Delphi、C++ 、VB等语言编写的程序,另外,还具备有W32DASM 软件的反编译能力和PEditor 软件的 PE 文件头编辑功能,可以更容易的分析源代码,修复损坏了的资源,还能任意修改程序内置的资源、信息,可以处理的文件格式包括EXE、DLL、DRV、BPL、DPL、SYS、CPL、OCX、SCR 等32位可执行程序。PE Explorer V1.99 R6 汉化版在该工具中附加了UPX脱壳插件。(PE Explorer (pexplorer) is a function powerful software localization tool, is also commonly used anti compiler tool, can turn over Delphi, C++, visual VB language program, in addition, also has a PE file with W32DASM software decompile capacity and PEditor software editing function, can be the source code analysis easier., repair damaged resources, can modify the program built-in resources, information, can handle file formats including EXE, DLL, DRV, BPL, DPL, SYS, CPL, OCX, SCR, 32 bit executable program. PE Explorer V1.99 R6 Chinese version attached to UPX hulling plug-ins in the tool.)
    2014-02-19 20:16:51下载
  • 经典灰色模型GM(1,1)
    说明:  入门级gm(1,1)matlab程序,附带检验与结果,具体说明请详见代码注释(Classical grey model GM (1,1) matlab code)
    2020-02-03 14:58:25下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103801会员总数
  • 61今日下载