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于 2021-04-08 发布
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说明:  matlab实现的阶次分析算法,用于变转速机械故障特征提取,可运行,包含寻找脉冲时刻,等角度时刻,数字跟踪滤波,样条差值等步骤(The order analysis algorithm realized by Matlab is used to extract the fault features of variable speed machinery. It can be operated, including the steps of finding impulse moment, equal angle moment, digital tracking filtering, spline difference and so on.)


order.m, 5071 , 2019-08-15



0 个回复

  • spra552b
    Voice decoder Standard interantional
    2012-06-04 16:08:09下载
  • order
    说明:  matlab实现的阶次分析算法,用于变转速机械故障特征提取,可运行,包含寻找脉冲时刻,等角度时刻,数字跟踪滤波,样条差值等步骤(The order analysis algorithm realized by Matlab is used to extract the fault features of variable speed machinery. It can be operated, including the steps of finding impulse moment, equal angle moment, digital tracking filtering, spline difference and so on.)
    2021-04-08 09:39:00下载
  • g729a_c_linux
    说明:  g729a 语音编码,再linux c 环境下实现,有非常的好的移植性,通话质量好(g729a voice coding, and c linux environment, and it is very good transplant, good call quality)
    2005-11-07 08:53:15下载
  • OMP
    这里主要是压缩感知的贪婪算法,通过OMP来实现DOA的估计,主要应用在阵列信号处理领域。(Here compressed sensing greedy algorithm OMP, the main application in the field of array signal processing to achieve the DOA estimates.)
    2012-11-22 00:21:10下载
  • vector_quantization
    语音信号的矢量量化,其中vector_quantization.m为读取音频文件,转换成语音帧,求lpc及lsf参数以及进行矢量量化的主程序,a_lsf_conversion.m为主程序调用的lpc转lsf参数的子程序,INLS1.wav为音频文件。(Vector quantization of speech signals, wherein vector_quantization.m to read audio file, converted into speech frames, seeking lpc and lsf parameters and vector quantization of the main program, a_lsf_conversion.m main program calls a subroutine parameter lsf lpc turn, INLS1.wav as an audio file.)
    2013-06-20 15:36:15下载
  • G729_code_decode
    g.729编解码源代码,已经在freescale的处理器上面实现。(G.729 codec source code, has been in the Freescale processors to achieve the above.)
    2007-12-18 10:38:58下载
  • A_rate_of_13_c_dc
    A率13折线的编译码实现 1、了解PCM及13折线A率编码及译码的原理; 2、随机给出一个语音信号,并用A率13折线PCM对其编码; 3、将编码后的信号经过加性高斯白噪声信道,并在接收端对其进行译码; 4、分别画出原始语音信号、PCM编码信号以及译码后信号的波形。 (A rate of 13 polyline encoding and decoding implementation 1, to understand the principles of PCM and the broken line 13 A rate of encoding and decoding Two were given a voice signal, and PCM encode A rate of 13 polylines 3, the encoded signal through an additive white Gaussian noise channel, and the receiver decodes 4, respectively, to draw the waveform of the original speech signal, the PCM encoded signal and decoding signals.)
    2012-04-25 08:56:42下载
  • Chapter-3---Sampling-Quantization-3
    quatization of audio signal and plot the signal after quantization
    2011-09-12 11:25:07下载
  • order
    matlab实现的阶次分析算法,用于变转速机械故障特征提取,可运行,包含寻找脉冲时刻,等角度时刻,数字跟踪滤波,样条差值等步骤(The order analysis algorithm realized by Matlab is used to extract the fault features of variable speed machinery. It can be operated, including the steps of finding impulse moment, equal angle moment, digital tracking filtering, spline difference and so on.)
    2021-04-08 09:39:00下载
  • mt4ProgramReference
    说明:  MT4编程参考,详细介绍MQ4语言的语法和使用方法,非常实用,在网上很难找到。(MT4 programming reference, detailing MQ4 language syntax and use, very practical, it is difficult to find online.)
    2008-11-25 14:34:42下载
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