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于 2021-01-04 发布
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说明:  面板平滑转换回归模型(PSTR)实现程序,matlab语言编写。(Matlab code allows estimating the parameters of a Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) model)


PSTR, 0 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\Matlab数据导入导出方法.pdf, 162838 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\STAR_Panel, 0 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\STAR_Panel\Colletaz_Hurlin.pdf, 272545 , 2011-06-13
PSTR\STAR_Panel\Data_Demo_PSTR.xls, 53927 , 2011-06-13
PSTR\STAR_Panel\Launch_PSTR.m, 327 , 2017-05-26
PSTR\STAR_Panel\NLS.m, 2965 , 2006-03-16
PSTR\STAR_Panel\Readme.pdf, 470852 , 2017-05-26
PSTR\STAR_Panel\Results1.xls, 36930 , 2017-05-26
PSTR\STAR_Panel\STAR_Panel.m, 26499 , 2017-05-26
PSTR\STAR_Panel\centered.m, 1138 , 2005-06-16
PSTR\STAR_Panel\grid_search.m, 2305 , 2006-06-23
PSTR\STAR_Panel.zip, 795870 , 2019-08-10
PSTR\数据-fj, 0 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\数据-fj\数据, 0 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\数据-fj\数据\FDI OFDI 进出口 CPI 固定资产价格指数.xls, 52736 , 2019-06-10
PSTR\数据-fj\数据\专利侵权案件结案率.xls, 53248 , 2019-06-10
PSTR\数据-fj\数据\各省2000——2014执业律师人数.xls, 31232 , 2019-03-09
PSTR\数据-fj\数据\数据表2.xlsx, 217422 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\数据-fj\数据\研发投入.xls, 23552 , 2019-06-10
PSTR\数据-fj.zip, 157105 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\数据和命令-flq, 0 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\数据和命令-flq\数据和命令, 0 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\数据和命令-flq\数据和命令\数据.dta, 55205 , 2019-04-20
PSTR\数据和命令-flq\数据和命令\数据表3.xls, 199168 , 2019-08-11
PSTR\数据和命令-flq\数据和命令\渠道检验.do, 2624 , 2019-04-20
PSTR\数据和命令-flq.zip, 131330 , 2019-08-11



0 个回复

  • Student-Course-Management-System
    这是利用C#开发的一套学生课程管理系统,内有详细的程序代码,以及很多说明,希望对大家有用。(This is the use of C# development of a student course management system, which has a detailed code, and many shows, we want to be useful.)
    2010-05-28 15:55:58下载
  • studentgrademanagement
    学生成绩管理系统,对学生的个人信息进行增加删除以及修改等操作(Student achievement management system, to increase students' personal information, such as delete, and modify operations)
    2014-06-20 16:30:38下载
  • stu
    基于JSP,JAVA的学生工作信息管理系统,TOMCAT作为服务器,Structs三层结构,论文可用,课程设计可用(Based on JSP, JAVA' s Student Information Management System, TOMCAT as a server, Structs three-tier structure, the paper available, curriculum design available)
    2011-05-20 22:21:08下载
  • haizeiwang
    学生成绩管理系统,输入学生所有信息,然后可以对学生信息进行处理,(Student achievement management system, enter all the information the students, student information can then be processed,)
    2013-09-19 19:27:58下载
  • 2005227131
    学生信息管理系统! 有学号,管理,学生的 升级,死亡等(Student Information Management System! No. school, management, and students to upgrade, death, etc.)
    2009-05-08 23:18:28下载
  • Student
    研究生信息管理系统,该软件实现了简单的学生信息管理,适合初学VC的同学(Graduate student information management system, the software is simple student information management, suitable for beginner VC students)
    2020-07-03 06:40:02下载
  • Course
    创建课程,添加选课学生,最终显示选课同学和人数。 有运行截图和可以直接运行的程序。(create a course and add students name on the list.)
    2015-04-13 13:57:41下载
  • tsggl
    VB的图书馆管理系统.管理员的帐号和密码都是(VB library management system. Administrator account and password are )
    2007-05-07 21:39:09下载
  • 平板电场
    说明:  计算平板电容间电场,用comsol软件,程序比较一般,仅供参看(To calculate the electric field between flat capacitors, COMSOL software is used,The procedure is general, for reference only)
    2019-12-12 22:17:52下载
  • library-system
    值得一看的图书馆管理系统,有plucky同学编写及共享,登陆密码打开mdb文件查看(Worth of library management system, there are plucky prepared by the students and sharing, login password to open mdb file viewer)
    2013-09-06 12:05:53下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
  • 67今日下载