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于 2019-11-10 发布
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说明:  通过单元方向图计算并仿真天线阵列的辐射性能,能够模拟相控阵天线扫描方向图。(The scanning pattern of phased array antenna can be simulated by calculating and simulating the radiation performance of the antenna array.)


h1, 0 , 2019-11-10
h1\array.m, 2674 , 2011-08-09
h1\array.txt, 5941 , 2011-08-09
h1\fyy.m, 548 , 2011-08-09
h1\input.txt, 44 , 2011-08-09
h1\p1.txt, 3875 , 2011-08-09
h1\paixu.m, 464 , 2003-08-27
h1\pattern.txt, 2243 , 2011-08-09
h1\pp.txt, 8247 , 2011-08-09
h1\说明.txt, 167 , 2011-08-09



0 个回复

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