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GST and example

于 2021-05-16 发布
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说明:  在原有的S变换程序上进行了修改,改为广义S变换,可控制 lamda、p 。程序内部有具体说明,并给出一个模型进行对比,查看不同 lamda、p 值的效果。(Modifications have been made to the original S-transformation program, and the generalized S-transformation has been changed to control lamda and p. There are specific instructions inside the program, and a model is given for comparison to see the effects of different lamda and p values.)


st.m, 13750 , 2019-11-14
ex_1.m, 1129 , 2019-11-14



0 个回复

  • 本程序是用vb语言编写的一个游戏,值得学习与参考。
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