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于 2010-09-20 发布 文件大小:10KB
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  FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM ALGORITHM To compute the coefficients in the discrete approximation



0 个回复

  • phd and matlab
    本例利用C MEX及API文件实现matlab与PHD只见的通讯.能实现数据的存取。(MEX and C API documentation can be achieved with Matlab PHD seen communications. To achieve access to data.)
    2005-05-24 15:19:44下载
  • upfc_power_flow
    说明:  在极坐标下计算电力系统网络潮流以及加设FACTS(UPFC)原件后的潮流调整(Calculated in polar coordinates, and the trend of power system network to install FACTS (UPFC) original trend after adjustment)
    2011-04-15 22:24:47下载
  • abc
    音频信号短时傅里叶变换,采用汉明窗 音频信号短时傅里叶变换,采用汉明窗(waveread stft window:hamming)
    2020-11-10 22:09:46下载
  • hpfilter
    This code has been used and seems to be free of error. However, it carries no explicit or implicit guarantee.
    2010-03-04 17:05:14下载
  • tt-x
    This package presents C++ tools to the trace transform of a 2D image, and related objects, i.e. circuses and triple features, matlab tools to visualise these entities, and tools to check newly coded functionals. This version is released with a small number of functionals only.
    2010-05-20 09:17:46下载
  • Classification_toolbox
    matlab分类工具箱源码,在matlab下运行可以对数据进行多种分类,并有说明文档,可以根据文档进行操作,实现分类。(classification Matlab toolbox source, Matlab can run on a variety of data classification, and documentation, according to documentation for operation, achieving classification.)
    2007-02-26 21:09:08下载
  • tsp_pso
    : 针对粒子群优化算法易陷入局部极值的缺点, 提 出一种改进粒子群算法, 该算法借鉴贪婪算法的思想初始化种群, 利用两 个种群同时寻优, 并将遗传算法中交叉和变异操作引入其 中, 实现种群间的信息共享。(I n a l l u s i o n t o p a r t i c l e s wa r m o p t i mi z a t i o n b ei n g pr on e t o g e t i n t o l oc a l mi n i mu m, a n i mpr o v e d p a r t i c l e s wa r m o pt i mi z a t i o n a l g o r it h m i s p r o po s e d. Th e a l g o r it hm dr a ws o n t h e t hi n ki ng o f t he g r e e d y a l g o r it hm t o i n i t i a l i z e t he pa r t i c l e s wa l- n 1 . Two s wa r ms a r e u s e d t o o pt i mi z e s y nc h r o no u s l y, a nd c r o s s o v e r a n d mu t a t i o n o p er a t o r s i n g e n e t i c a lg o r i t h m a r e i n t r o d uc e d i n t o t h e ne w a l g o r it h m t o r e a l i z e t h e s ha r i ng o f i n f o r m a t i o n a mo ng s wa r l T i S .)
    2014-08-15 10:41:18下载
  • matlab-signal
    用c语言实现下列的数字信号处理算法 1.离散傅里叶级数合成连续周期信号 2.DIF FFT 测试程序 3.将输入数据的幅度画出图形 4.使用FFT实现快速卷积 5.使用FFT实现快速相关 6.取样混迭演示程序 (language used to achieve the following digital signal processing algorithms 1. Discrete Fourier series synthetic signal two consecutive cycles. DIF FFT three test procedures. The input data rate of 4 paint graphics. Use FFT fast convolution 5. Use FFT fast correlation 6. Aliasing sampling Demonstration Program)
    2006-06-28 19:11:10下载
  • puguji
    进行功率谱估计的许多方法的matlab程序,可以运行的(Many power spectrum estimation method matlab program, you can run)
    2014-11-21 23:21:29下载
    Program for SISO HARQ
    2010-05-12 16:58:05下载
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