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于 2020-01-06 发布
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说明:  interp1 - 一元函数插值 spline - 样条插值 polyfit - 多项式插值或拟合 lsqnonlin - 最小二乘法 lsqcurvefit - 最小二乘拟合 csape - 各种边界条件的样条插值 csaps - 样条拟合 interp2 - 二元函数插值 griddata - 不规则数据的二元函数插值 *lagrange - 拉格朗日插值法 方程求根 inv - 逆矩阵 eig - 特征值和特征向量 roots - 多项式的根 fzero - 一元函数零点 fsolve - 非线性方程组 solve - 符号方程解 *newton - 牛顿迭代法解非线性方程 *spgs - 大型稀疏方程组Gauss-Seidel迭代 微积分和微分方程 diff - 数值差分 diff - 符号导函数(Interp1 - unary function interpolation)


mathmodl, 0 , 2020-01-06
mathmodl\BNB18.M, 14681 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\BNBGUI.M, 677 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\BNBGUICB.M, 16060 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\CHI2TEST.M, 539 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\CLASSIFY.M, 1984 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\CONSTR.M, 4212 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\Contents.m, 3966 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\CSAPE.M, 9581 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\CSAPS.M, 6113 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\CURVEFIT.M, 5663 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DATACOM1.M, 323 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DBLQUAD.M, 2977 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DBLQUAD2.M, 1034 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DE2BI.M, 955 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DIFF.M, 1668 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DIJK.C, 1894 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DIJK.DLL, 40960 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DIJKSTRA.M, 1573 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DISCFUN.M, 43 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DRAW.M, 5528 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DSOLVE.M, 9680 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DXZ1_1.M, 640 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DXZ1_1P.M, 482 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DXZ1_2.M, 827 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DXZ1_2P.M, 679 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DXZ2F.M, 276 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DXZ2_1.M, 247 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DXZ2_2.M, 449 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\DYNPROG.M, 3151 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\ENUM.M, 257 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FEEFUN.M, 769 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FEEFUN02.M, 1021 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FITCOM1.M, 288 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FITCOM2.M, 1023 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FITCOM3.M, 482 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FITCOM4.M, 175 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FITCOM5.M, 602 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FITFUN.M, 141 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FITFUN2.M, 71 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FMIN.M, 5234 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FMINCON.M, 25676 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FMINS.M, 7127 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FMINU.M, 10499 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FSOLVE.M, 15034 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\FUNTOOL.M, 17087 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\GAUSSQ.M, 16717 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\GRIDDATA.M, 15769 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\HYCOSTF.M, 2129 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\HYMNT.M, 214 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\HYORD.M, 173 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\ILp.m, 2579 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\INT.M, 2579 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\INTERP.M, 220 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\INTERP1.M, 13206 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\INTERP2.M, 18639 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\INV.M, 504 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM96A.M, 1636 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM96B.M, 495 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM96Bfun.m, 290 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM97A.M, 1067 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM97Afun.m, 314 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM97Aoptim.m, 631 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM97B.M, 4353 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM97Bcount.m, 4353 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM97Brule.m, 393 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM98A1.M, 1483 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM98A2.M, 1375 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM98A3.M, 862 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\jm98a3fun.m, 376 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM98B.C, 8108 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM98B.M, 751 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM99A.M, 272 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM99A1.M, 284 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\jm99a1simu.m, 412 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\JM99AFUN.M, 645 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\jm99asmfun.m, 508 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\KRUSK.C, 1633 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\KRUSK.DLL, 40960 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\KRUSKAL.M, 1479 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\L01p_e.m, 749 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\L01p_ie.m, 963 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\LAGRANGE.M, 736 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\LATHE2.M, 834 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\lathe2fun.m, 665 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\lathe2optim.m, 97 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\lathe2optimfun.m, 116 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\lathefun3.m, 118 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\lathefunb.m, 430 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\latheoptim.m, 95 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\latheoptimfun.m, 114 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\LINPROG.M, 8141 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\LP.M, 2721 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\LPINT.M, 2040 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\MATHMODL.M, 4127 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\MAX.M, 1241 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\MEAN.M, 994 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\MESH.M, 3626 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\MESHF.M, 1567 , 2003-08-22
mathmodl\MIN.M, 1325 , 2003-08-22



0 个回复

  • diffnorm
    Computer programming to calculate normalized frequency for different types of optical fibers.
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  • nonlinear_project
    simulation of IPMSM motor nonlinear control using sliding mode with application of matlab code programs
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  • EFPI_os4
    瑞士苏黎世理工四螺旋桨直升飞机的仿真程序,已经作为课程讲解,值得借鉴和学习!(Polytechnic in Zurich, Switzerland four propeller helicopter simulation program has been explained as a curriculum, it is worth drawing on and learning!)
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  • gmm
    高斯混合模型的matlab实现,基础知识,适合初学者(Gaussian mixture model matlab achieve basic knowledge for beginners)
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  • zuiyouhuasheji
    一本关于讲解MATLAB最优化设计的书籍 对于学习最优化理论的同学 很有帮助(A book about the interpretation of the MATLAB optimization design Classmate is very helpful for learning optimization theory)
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  • Monte_Carlo
    蒙特卡洛仿真 运用蒙特卡罗方法建立随机仿真模型,对已做手术病人的出院时间进行模拟,从而得到第二天拟出院病人数。再根据一定的优先规则建立基于优先级的病床分配模型,确定第二天应该安排哪些病人住院。(Monte Carlo simulation)
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  • gunjiang
    用matlab画出α=0,0.5,1的余弦滚降系统的频谱,并画出各自对应的时域波形。以α=1的余弦滚降系统为例,进行二进制双极性数字基带信号传输,试画出接收端的基带信号波形及眼图。(Matlab draw α = 0,0.5, 1 cosine roll-offs system of spectrum, and draw their corresponding time domain waveform. To α = 1 cosine roll-offs system as an example, the binary dual polarity digital baseband signal transmission, try drawing the receiving end baseband signal waveform and eye chart.)
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    一个dbnunfoldtonn函数,用于一个DBN例子中。(a dbnunfoldtonn function for a dbn example.)
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