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five generation

于 2020-01-15 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 16


说明:  five generation mobile radio NR 5G simulator


5g-simulator-master, 0 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\Gold_sequence_calculate.m, 6770 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\LICENSE, 1081 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\README.md, 312 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\bit_interleave.m, 551 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\bit_selection_calculate.m, 1957 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\bit_selection_implement.m, 878 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\cb_segment_and_cb_crc_attach.m, 1114 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\chk_param.m, 5562 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\code_block_concatenate.m, 519 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\crc_for_5g.m, 3028 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\find_the_minimum_value_of_Z.m, 1088 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\ldpc_base_graph_select.m, 536 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\ldpc_encode.m, 10002 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\lifting_size_table_lookup.m, 520 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\main.m, 3549 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\modulate_map.m, 411 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\ntz.m, 451 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\parity_check_matrices_protocol_1.mat, 6063 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\parity_check_matrices_protocol_2.mat, 3476 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\pi_over_2_bpsk_modulate.m, 375 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\pusch_scramble.m, 402 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\qam16_modulate.m, 498 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\qam256_modulate.m, 681 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\qam64_modulate.m, 596 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\qpsk_modulate.m, 397 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\quantized_number_of_resource_elements_for_pdsch_within_a_prb.m, 483 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\table_51311.m, 407 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\table_51312.m, 410 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\table_61411.m, 406 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\tbs_lbrm_determinate.m, 1151 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\tbs_table_for_N_info_less_than_3824.m, 938 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\test_transport_block_size_determinate.m, 1450 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\ulsch_modulation_order_and_target_code_rate.m, 964 , 2018-01-10
5g-simulator-master\ulsch_transport_block_size_determinate.m, 3431 , 2018-01-10



0 个回复

  • cppWindowsSerivceDemo
    这个文件没用,用来赚点积分的。我为了下载别的文件。(this file is no useful,just for win score.)
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