首页 » matlab » 超宽带多用户系统仿真


于 2020-06-30 发布
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说明:  超宽带多用户系统仿真算法实现 内容完整充实 很适合初学者(UWB multiuser system simulation algorithm is suitable for beginners)


duoyonghu\bits.m, 410 , 2006-12-07
duoyonghu\TH.m, 352 , 2006-12-08
duoyonghu\THseq.m, 907 , 2006-12-08
duoyonghu\waveformdown.m, 189 , 2006-12-20
duoyonghu\waveformup.m, 164 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\THfasheji.m, 1765 , 2006-12-08
duoyonghu\TH.asv, 352 , 2006-12-08
duoyonghu\THfasheji.asv, 1765 , 2006-12-08
duoyonghu\THseq.asv, 824 , 2006-12-08
duoyonghu\gonglvpu.m, 1561 , 2006-12-13
duoyonghu\gonglvpu.asv, 1577 , 2006-12-12
duoyonghu\fashe.m, 1637 , 2006-12-20
duoyonghu\wuthtiaozhigonglvpu.m, 1445 , 2006-12-14
duoyonghu\fashe.asv, 1644 , 2006-12-19
duoyonghu\waveformdown.asv, 189 , 2006-12-20
duoyonghu\cp0901_sm2_ook.m, 786 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\waveformup.asv, 164 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\pulse.m, 164 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\CP0804_SIGNALSHIFT.M, 461 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\cp0901_sm2_ook.asv, 670 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\cp0901_sm2_ook.m, 670 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\pulse.m, 136 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\CP0804_SIGNALSHIFT.M, 461 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\pulse.asv, 136 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\lihua.m, 173 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\MUIBER_OOK.m, 868 , 2007-01-09
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\lihuaa.m, 448 , 2007-01-05
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv\MUIBER_OOK.asv, 868 , 2007-01-06
duoyonghu\duoyonghuwumalv, 0 , 2007-01-04
duoyonghu\cp0602_symbol_error_probability.m, 988 , 2007-01-06
duoyonghu, 0 , 2006-12-08
www.downma.com.txt, 153 , 2017-08-25



0 个回复

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