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于 2021-02-03 发布
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说明:  matlab编程利用hess simth面元法(边界元法)计算球体及椭球体附加质量(Matlab programming uses hess_simth surface element method (boundary element method) to calculate the additional mass of spheres and ellipsoids)


Mij_Hess_Smith.m, 2515 , 2016-02-25



0 个回复

  • 一维热传导方程_有限差分
    分层的一维热传导方程的有限差分法MATLAB程序,是简单的显式差分格式,尽量使用了矩阵运算,没有符号运算。 文件chafen1.m以路面为例,假设有多层建筑材料,热传导系数已经在代码中给出。用户使用时请按自己需要修改chafen1.m文件,增减层数,修改热传导系数等即可。(One-dimensional heat conduction equation finite difference method MATLAB program, is a simple explicit difference format, as far as possible use of matrix operations, no symbolic operations The file Chafen 1.m takes the road surface as an example, assuming that there are multiple layers of building materials, the thermal conductivity is given in the code. Users should modify the Chafen 1.m file according to their own needs, increase or decrease the number of layers, modify the thermal conductivity and so on.)
    2020-11-08 11:09:50下载
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  • 二维板模型重磁异常正演
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  • exam4
    根据高斯光束的特性,在matlab中作出束腰半径为0.5mm的高斯光束在束腰处的三维光强分布图。(According to the characteristics of the Gauss beam, the three-dimensional intensity distribution of the Gauss beam with the waist radius of 0.5mm at the waist is made in MATLAB.)
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  • chase
    功能为求解系数矩阵为三对角矩阵或者循环三对角矩阵的线性方程。 输入的四个参数均为行向量,分别对应系数矩阵的上副对角线,主对角线,下副对角线,以及方程等号另一侧的常数矩阵(The four parameters of the input are line vectors, which correspond to the upper diagonal lines of the coefficient matrix, the main diagonal line, the lower diagonal line, and the constant matrix on the other side of the equation.)
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