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delphi for DBC demo

于 2020-03-03 发布
0 127
下载积分: 1 下载次数: 0


说明:  delphi打开DBC数据库到表并转换成文本(delphi for dbc demo)


Project1.cfg, 406 , 2004-02-07
Project1.dpr, 188 , 2004-02-06
Project1.dproj, 4479 , 2020-03-03
Project1.dproj.2007, 4313 , 2020-03-03
Project1.dproj.local, 62 , 2020-03-03
Project1.exe, 1594368 , 2020-03-03
Project1.res, 876 , 2004-02-06
Unit1.dcu, 8207 , 2020-03-03
Unit1.dfm, 1439 , 2004-02-07
Unit1.pas, 2429 , 2011-01-31
friends.txt, 108 , 2004-02-07
GEEM2.db, 129024 , 2019-11-13
liehuo.net.txt, 41 , 2011-01-01



0 个回复

  • ssd7
    卡耐基 ssd7中的全部答案,包括3个exam和10个exercise(These are all the answers of exercises of the SSD7 of Carnegie.)
    2013-05-15 22:16:27下载
  • dd
    说明:  药易通表结构(完整版)药易通表结构(完整版)(dui daji dou ou haochu)
    2009-03-11 00:51:25下载
  • delphi for DBC demo
    说明:  delphi打开DBC数据库到表并转换成文本(delphi for dbc demo)
    2020-03-03 19:55:59下载
  • source1
    在Visual C++中使用MSFlexGrid控件的几点改进,首先要配置ODBC数据源,添加一个ACCESS数据源命为Student Registration, 将数据库指向源程序目录下的student.mdb。(In Visual C++ in the use of MSFlexGrid control points to improve, we must first configure the ODBC data source, add a data source ACCESS life for Student Registration, will point to the source database directory student.mdb.)
    2009-05-11 00:15:19下载
  • hr
    说明:  hr人力资源系统 sqlserver数据库(hr human resources systems sqlserver database)
    2013-11-04 16:39:10下载
  • kaoshixitong
    一个四、六级考试成绩查询系统,该系统的用户由一般用户和管理员组成,然后不同的用户拥有不同的权限,各自完成各自的管理功能。首先是欢迎界面,然后选择登录,登录的时候首先要判断用户的身份,合法的用户然后进入到系统主界面中,不同的用户看到不同的系统功能。用sql server2000创建后台数据库,然后利用程序设计语言(VB)编写程序实现对数据库的操作。(A CET score query system, users of the system composed by the general user and administrator, and different users have different permissions, each of their respective management functions. First is the Welcome screen, then select the log, log to determine when the first user' s identity, legitimate user and then enter the main interface to the system, different users see different system functions. Background database created with sql server2000, and then use programming languages (VB) programming to achieve operation of the database.)
    2010-05-13 14:33:06下载
  • MyOA
    完全用PHP来完成的办公自动化系统,主要是完成对数据库的操作,具有一个办公系统的基本功能。(Entirely in PHP to complete the office automation systems, mainly to complete the database operation, has a basic function of office systems.)
    2008-12-10 20:56:26下载
  • save_data_in_database
    说明:  利用labview的数据库连接工具,将采集到的数据保存在access中,子VI(Using labview database connectivity tools, the collected data stored in the access to, the sub-VI)
    2010-04-09 15:16:34下载
  • 说明:  因本人没有充足的时间,写的比较简陋了 没有办法,也是帮别人的忙了,还望看了 不要笑话本人,如有不足,请多指教(because I do not have sufficient time to write a simple comparison is no way is anybody a favor, but he still saw hope I do not joke, if inadequate, please enlighten)
    2005-12-06 22:49:18下载
    出版商印刷数据库设计 初始条件: 一个印刷书的印刷公司希望建立数据库来处理用户的印刷需要。一本书的出版发行人员提交了一份描述印刷工作的单据,印刷工作需要的使用材料,由购买清单指定。 (Publishers print database design initial conditions: a printed book printing company hopes to establish a database to handle the user s printing needs. A book publishing and distribution staff submitted a description of the work of printing documents, printing requires the use of materials, from the purchase of the designated list.)
    2020-12-03 15:19:25下载
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