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Patch Generator Tumpuk

于 2020-03-23 发布
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说明:  ini patch generator tumpuk dan berbbagai macam rff helper



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  • 注册用
    说明:  包含非谐振节点的滤波器综合,综合出耦合矩阵。(The filter synthesis including non-resonant nodes synthesizes the coupling matrix.)
    2019-07-04 14:38:04下载
  • C++ Primer的第三版结合了Stanley Lippman的实践经验和Josée Lajoie对于ANSI/ISO标准C++的深入理解。这本指导书的第三版...
    C++ Primer的第三版结合了Stanley Lippman的实践经验和Josée Lajoie对于ANSI/ISO标准C++的深入理解。这本指导书的第三版已经被重新改写过,以便更加精确地讲述标准C++的特性和用法。在本书中,对于C++初学者特别有价值的是一些来自真实世界中的程序例子,它们说明了泛型程序(generic program)的设计、面向对象程序的设计、模板的用法,以及使用标准C++进行程序设计的方方面面。而且,本书也在适当的地方讲到了一些习惯用法以及效率指导。-C Primer combination of the third edition of the Stanley Lippman had practical experience and Jose; for ANSI/ISO C standard in-depth understanding. This third edition of the guide book has been redrafted too, to be more precise description of the C standard features and usage. In the book, for C beginners particular value of some real-world examples of the procedures, they show Generic procedures (generic program) in the design, object-oriented design, the use of templates, and the use of standard C for all aspects of the design process. Moreover, the book was also the right place describes some of the efficiency and usage guide.
    2023-04-14 20:45:03下载
  • 201205141717574901
    完整波浪计数 很高的成功率,12345ABC 外汇股市都有一定的分析与操盘(FlatDouble ZigZagTriple ZigZagDouble ThreeTriple Thre)
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  • 数据采集卡参考代码(VB,VC,Delphi,CS,Labview)
    采集NI兼容实现时间监控分析,多个程序的二次开发(data acquisition analysis)
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    自己做的课程设计,传上来和大家分享,如果谁能用到就用啊-zijizuode kechengsheji
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  • 用于OAM通信系统中对OAM波的纯度进行检测是否满足通信要求 43680542OAM_Purity
    主要用于OAM通信系统中对OAM波的纯度进行检测是否满足通信要求(It is mainly used to detect the purity of OAM wave in OAM communication system and meet the communication requirements.)
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  • code
    代码使用Python标准库hashlib计算字符串的安全哈希值。 Python扩展库pycrypto也提供了MD2、MD4、MD5、HMAC、RIPEMD、SHA、SHA224、SHA256、SHA384、SHA512等多个安全哈希算法的实现。(The code uses the Python standard library hashlib to calculate the safe hash value of the string. Python extension library pycrypto also provides MD2, MD4, MD5, HMAC, RIPEMD, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and other security hash algorithm implementation.)
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