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于 2020-04-08 发布
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说明:  熟悉OQPSK的基本原理、调制解调技术,掌握MATLAB中M文件的使用及相关函数的调用方法,在此基础上通过MATLAB编程来实现OQPSK的调制与解调,完成项目(OQPSK, modulation and demodulation, noise ,MATLAB, M file.)


modulation\BERbpsk.dat, 1451 , 2008-08-13
modulation\BERbpskfad.dat, 44 , 2005-04-24
modulation\BERqpsk.dat, 43 , 2005-04-24
modulation\BERqpskfad.dat, 44 , 2005-04-24
modulation\bpsk.doc, 24064 , 2005-04-25
modulation\bpsk.m, 2753 , 2001-11-30
modulation\bpsk_fading.m, 4484 , 2001-11-30
modulation\bpsk_test.asv, 2835 , 2008-08-13
modulation\bpsk_test.m, 2835 , 2008-08-13
modulation\comb.m, 658 , 2001-11-26
modulation\compconv.m, 562 , 2001-11-30
modulation\compoversamp.m, 684 , 2001-11-30
modulation\delay.m, 743 , 2001-11-30
modulation\fade.doc, 24064 , 2005-05-09
modulation\fade.m, 2167 , 2001-11-27
modulation\gaussf.m, 1052 , 2001-11-30
modulation\gmsk.m, 3387 , 2001-11-30
modulation\gmsk_fading.m, 5109 , 2001-11-30
modulation\gmsk_fading_test.doc, 34304 , 2005-05-09
modulation\gmsk_fading_test.m, 5198 , 2005-05-09
modulation\hrollfcoef.m, 1652 , 2001-11-27
modulation\msk.m, 2933 , 2001-11-30
modulation\msk2.m, 2967 , 2001-11-30
modulation\msk2_fading.m, 4691 , 2001-11-30
modulation\msk_fading.m, 4657 , 2001-11-30
modulation\oqpsk.m, 3182 , 2001-11-30
modulation\oqpsk_fading.m, 4790 , 2001-11-30
modulation\oversamp.m, 497 , 2001-11-27
modulation\oversamp2.m, 507 , 2001-11-30
modulation\qam16.m, 2780 , 2001-11-30
modulation\qam16_fading.m, 4592 , 2001-11-30
modulation\qamdemod.m, 1729 , 2001-11-30
modulation\qammod.m, 1156 , 2001-11-30
modulation\qpsk.m, 3055 , 2001-11-30
modulation\qpskdemod.m, 723 , 2001-11-27
modulation\qpskmod.m, 914 , 2001-11-27
modulation\qpsk_fading.m, 4684 , 2001-11-30
modulation\README-Chap3.txt, 28564 , 2001-11-30
modulation\sefade.doc, 22528 , 2005-05-09
modulation\sefade.m, 1742 , 2001-11-27
modulation, 0 , 2020-04-07



0 个回复

  • 基于matlab的QPSK调制与解调程序(QPSK modulation and demodulation)
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  • code
    实现msk,希望大家参考,应该还不错,按照调制方式实现。(Achieve msk, I hope your reference, it should be pretty good, in accordance with the modulation of ways.)
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