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于 2020-05-29 发布
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说明:  《电力电子系统建模及控制》是徐德鸿编著的一本书籍,该书重点介绍电力电子系统的动态模型的建立方法和控制系统的设计方法。("Modeling and Control of Power Electronic Systems" is a book edited by Xu Dehong. This book focuses on the establishment of dynamic models of power electronic systems and the design methods of control systems.)


电力电子系统建模及控制(徐德鸿).pdf, 12889032 , 2020-01-03



0 个回复

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    me gusta la programacion al extremo
    2009-11-10 22:49:19下载
  • MATLAB Textbook(美.穆尔)
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    2019-05-02 09:12:51下载
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    J.B.Rawlings and D.Q.Mayne所著的 模型预测控制的理论和设计(Model Predictive control: Theory and Design)
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    说明:  详细介绍了MICROCHIP公司推出的16位的,具有哈佛结构的,更大存储空间的,存储器分段管理的PIC18系列单片机的C语言编程指南(details of the company's going before 16, with Harvard architecture, greater storage space, memory management section of PIC18 MCU Series C Programming Language Guide)
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  • 机器学习实战(高清 中文版)
    说明:  机器学习实战(高清 中文版) 作者: Peter 本书通过精心排的实例切入日常工作任务摒弃学术化语言利用高效可复用的Python 代码阐释如何处理统计数据进行数据分析及可视化。读者可从中学到一些核心的机器学习算法并将其运用于某些策略性任务中如分类、预测及推荐等。本书适合机器学习相关研究人员及互联网从业人员学习参考。(Machine learning combat (HD Chinese version) Author: Peter This book cuts into everyday tasks through elaborate examples. Abandoning academic language uses efficient and reusable Python code to illustrate how to process statistics for data analysis and visualization. Readers can learn some core machine learning algorithms and apply them to certain strategic tasks such as classification, prediction, and recommendation. This book is suitable for machine learning related researchers and Internet practitioners to learn reference.)
    2019-05-19 03:06:57下载
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    《无线通信》重点论述当前各类无线通信系统中具有普遍性和代表性的基本知识,包括基本的理论、问题、设计思路和分析方法。全书内容包括无线信道模型、无线信道容量、无线通信中的调制编码技术及均衡处理技术、扩频通信,还包括多天线系统、多用户系统、多载波调制、自适应调制与编码、蜂窝系统及无线自组织网络等。书中每部分内容的讲述都有全新的视角和独特的处理方法,并配合丰富的图示、例题和习题。 《无线通信》适合作为通信工程和电子信息类相关专业高年级本科生和研究生的教材,同时也可供工程技术人员参考。(Wireless Communication focuses on the basic knowledge of universality and representativeness in current wireless communication systems, including basic theories, problems, design ideas and analysis methods. The book includes wireless channel model, wireless channel capacity, modulation and coding technology in wireless communication, equalization processing technology, spread spectrum communication, and also includes multi-antenna system, multi-user system, multi-carrier modulation, adaptive modulation and coding, cellular system and wireless self-organizing network. Each part of the book has a new perspective and unique treatment methods, and with rich graphics, examples and exercises. Wireless Communication is suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in communication engineering and electronic information. It can also be used as a reference for engineers and technicians.)
    2019-02-02 14:13:11下载
  • Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 5.23.17 pm
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    2017-06-05 09:10:50下载
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