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于 2020-06-03 发布
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说明:  BP神经网络信道均衡,matlab的仿真实现(BP neural network channel equalization)


channel.m, 707 , 2016-05-23
desktop.ini, 56 , 2020-05-16
gngauss.m, 399 , 2012-05-07
nnequ.m, 2403 , 2020-06-03
信号分离.m, 453 , 2012-05-03
信号分离1.m, 705 , 2012-05-28
噪声消除.m, 886 , 2012-05-14



0 个回复

  • ccdf-and-pdf-of-SNR-in-DFT-S-OFDM
    这个是DFT-S OFDM的接收端平均信噪比PDF和CCDF仿真图(This is the DFT-S OFDM receiving end of the average SNR simulation diagram PDF and CCDF)
    2020-11-01 20:29:56下载
    差分空时组码的代码, 编码到译码都很全.(differential space time block code)
    2020-10-22 10:37:23下载
  • communication
    一份红外通讯的编码设计,已经经过实验,支持一对多。(Encoding of an infrared communication design, and after the experiment, to support one to many.)
    2012-04-11 11:42:38下载
  • multiple_pathanddopple
    基于多径传输和多普勒频移的 瑞利(Rayleigh)信道的仿真 主要考虑不同条件下的仿真(Based on Multi-Drive transmission and Doppler frequency shift of the Rayleigh (Rayleigh) channel simulation main consideration different The simulation conditions)
    2020-09-29 11:07:43下载
    说明:  G P S和G S M 双定位终端的软硬件设计与实现 :随着移动定位技术的发展, 单纯的签子G P S 的定位终端或者荃于移动网络的定位终端都将无法浦足用户的俩求。前者的G P S定 位信号受地形及建筑物的影晌,会存在定位盲区 后者定位精度和定位能力受到移动网 络的限制。该文提出一种集成了G P S定位和G S M 网络定位技术的定位终端,阐述了它的软硬件的设计和实现。实验结果表明,该定位终端结合了G P S和G S M网络两种定位方式的优点,(D e s i g n a n d I m p l e me n t a t i o n o f t h e T r a c k i n g T e r mi n a l I n t e g r a t i n g GP S wi t h GS M P o s i t i o n i n g T e c h n o l o g y J I A NG X i r u i , C HE N G Z h e n l i n , F AN G J i n y u n , Z HA NG L i v n g ( I n s t i t u t e o f C o m p u t e T e c h n o l o g y , C h i n e s e A c a d e m y o f S c i e n c e s , B e i j i n g 1 0 0 0 8 0 ) b s t r a c t ] Th e t r a c k i n g t e r mi n a l p l a y s a n i mp o r a n t rl e i n t h e n a v i g a t i o n a n d p o s i t i o n i n g s y s t e m. Ho w t o t h e t r a c k i n g t e r mi n a l i s a k e y p rb l e m t o t h e d e s i g n e r a n d u s e r . T h i s p a p e r p r e s e n t s a me t h o d wh i c h i mpr v e t i n t e g r a t e s p e r f o r m a n c e a n d p r e c i s i o GP S wi 比GS M p o s i t i o n i n g h n o l o g y i n o n e t e r mi n a l , a n d s p e c i f i e s t h e s o f)
    2009-08-27 09:06:42下载
  • modulation
    常用数字调制技术,包括BPSK,OQPSK,QPSK,MSK,GMSK,QAM等的调制解调仿真程序,并且包含AWGN及衰落信道下的仿真,对学习数字调制技术有较大帮助(Commonly used digital modulation techniques, including BPSK, OQPSK, QPSK, MSK, GMSK, QAM modulation and demodulation simulation program such and includes AWGN and fading channel simulation, the study of digital modulation techniques of great help)
    2021-01-03 22:48:55下载
  • antenna_selection_massive_MIMO-master (1)
    说明:  大规模MIMO中采用天线选择来降低系统复杂度和成本,其中包括最优天线选择和递减天线选择,快速天线选择和基于范数的天线选择算法。(Antenna selection is used in large-scale MIMO to reduce system complexity and cost, including optimal antenna selection and decreasing antenna selection, fast antenna selection and antenna selection algorithm based on norm.)
    2021-04-24 13:48:47下载
  • FBMC_test
    说明:  FBMC框架的搭建,和OQAM+PPN多项滤波器,大概框架都有(The construction of fbmc framework and OQAM + PPN multiple filters, probably all of them have)
    2020-07-02 17:40:02下载
  • 基于MATLAB的OFDM仿真设计实验报告
    说明:  包含有数字通信课程实验大作业报告与代码。完成的OFDM的收发包含:1.卷积编码、2.自动增益控制、3.极大似然判决、4.QPSK收发、5.帧检测等,代码在MATLAB2016b环境下编译通过(It contains the report and code of the experiment assignment for the course of digital communication. The completed OFDM transceiver includes: 1. convolutional coding, 2. automatic gain control, 3. maximum likelihood decision, 4. QPSK transceiver, 5. frame detection, etc. The code is compiled and passed in MATLAB2016b environment.)
    2021-01-26 20:38:37下载
  • a
    turbo c 绘制船并裁剪,感觉不错,可以使用,你值得拥有(turbo c plotted ship and cutting, feeling good, you can use, you deserve)
    2013-12-30 09:33:04下载
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