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于 2020-06-22 发布
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说明:  【智能四路交通灯控制系统模拟】 这款交通灯模拟系统基于labview软件开发,界面全部自己设计,简洁明了,功能多样化、实用化、具体化,最大程度还原真实的十字路口交通灯控制系统。在以往单纯的红绿交替变化上添加功能如下 1.数码管倒计时功能和灯光闪烁功能,四路人行道灯。 2.配备有操作板可以人为设置各路口交通灯的亮灭时间、闪烁频率,报警器频率,字符串提示。控制暂停和全灭。 3.数码管显示的系统实时年月日及时间。 4.显示以及交通管制中的7种模式(普通模式、三向禁行、南北通行、东西通行、夜间模式、维修模式、紧急模式)和每种模式持续的时间(用计时器来体现)。 现实中可以根据实际路况和需要进行有目地的调整,使交通更加通畅高效。([simulation of intelligent four-way traffic light control system] 1. Digital tube countdown function and light flashing function, four-way sidewalk light. 2. Equipped with operation panel, it can manually set the on / off time, flashing frequency, alarm frequency and string prompt of traffic lights at each intersection. Control suspension and total extinction. 3. The real-time date and time of the digital tube display system. 4. Display and seven modes in traffic control (general mode, three-way traffic prohibition, north-south traffic, east-west traffic, night mode, maintenance mode, emergency mode) and duration of each mode (reflected by timer). In reality, it can be adjusted according to the actual road conditions and needs to make the traffic more smooth and efficient.)


智能四路交通灯控制系统模拟.vi, 203186 , 2020-06-22



0 个回复

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