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android 上传文件实例 附完整源码

于 2013-02-26 发布
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    Rules::The AsyncTask instance must be created in UI thread. .execute must be invoked on the UI thread.Never call  objMyTask.onPreExecute(), objMyTask.doInBackground(), objMyTask.onProgressUpdate(),  objMyTask.onPostExecute manually.The AsyncTask can be executed only once (an exception will be thrown if a second execution is attempted.)AsyncTask have Four Main Method... onPreExecute()  doInBackground() onProgressUpdate() onPostExecute()  onPreExecute-This method is called first when you start AsyncTask using objAsync.execute().And mostly this method is use for initializing dialog(ProgressDialog,CustomDialog) and showing. doInBackground-The main purpose of AsyncTask is accomplished by this method.Any non-UI thread process is running in this method.Such as Rss Feed Reader,Image and video Uploading and Downloading.You cant handle your View in this method.Because this method is non-UI thread.While any background process is running if you want to handle UI therea are  onProgressUpdate method. after completion of process this method send result to OnPostExecute. onProgressUpdate-While backgrounding task is running ,you can handle your UI using this method .Such as status of downloading or uploading task.and this method is called from  doInBackground.Using publishProgress() you can call onProgressUpdate method to update UI while process is running. onPostExecute -This method is called after the background computation finishes.The result of background process in passed in this method as parameters.And now you can dismiss progress dialog ,to indicate that background task is completed. You can cancel AsyncTask using objAsyncTask.cancel().then you just check in doInBackground, if (isCancelled()) { break; } else {        //continue... } See this Image For more Clear.
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    【核心代码】package com.gson;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.IOException;import java.lang.reflect.Field;import java.lang.reflect.Method;import java.util.Date;import java.util.Properties;import javax.servlet.Filter;import javax.servlet.FilterChain;import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;import javax.servlet.ServletException;import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import com.gson.bean.Articles;import com.gson.bean.InMessage;import com.gson.bean.OutMessage;import com.gson.bean.TextOutMessage;import com.gson.inf.MessageProcessingHandler;import com.gson.util.Tools;import com.gson.util.XStreamFactory;import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;/** * 请求拦截 * * @author GodSon * */public class WeChatFilter implements Filter { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WeChatFilter.class); private String _token; private String conf = "classPath:wechat.properties"; private String defaultHandler = "com.gson.inf.DefaultMessageProcessingHandlerImpl"; private Properties p; @Override public void destroy() { logger.info("WeChatFilter已经销毁"); } @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res; Boolean isGet = request.getMethod().equals("GET"); String path = request.getServletPath(); String pathInfo = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/")); if (pathInfo == null) { response.getWriter().write("error"); } else { _token = pathInfo.substring(1); if (isGet) { doGet(request, response); } else { doPost(request, response); } } } private void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/xml"); OutMessage oms = new OutMessage(); ServletInputStream in = request.getInputStream(); // 转换微信post过来的xml内容 XStream xs = XStreamFactory.init(false); xs.alias("xml", InMessage.class); String xmlMsg = Tools.inputStream2String(in); logger.debug("输入消息:[" xmlMsg "]"); InMessage msg = (InMessage) xs.fromXML(xmlMsg); // 获取自定消息处理器,如果自定义处理器则使用默认处理器。 String handler = p.getProperty("MessageProcessingHandlerImpl"); if (handler == null) handler = defaultHandler; try { // 加载处理器 Class clazz = Class.forName(handler); MessageProcessingHandler processingHandler = (MessageProcessingHandler) clazz.newInstance(); // 取得消息类型 String type = msg.getMsgType(); Method mt = clazz.getMethod(type "TypeMsg", InMessage.class); oms = (OutMessage) mt.invoke(processingHandler, msg); if (oms == null) { oms = new TextOutMessage(); ((TextOutMessage) oms).setContent("系统错误!"); } setMsgInfo(oms,msg); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); oms = new TextOutMessage(); ((TextOutMessage) oms).setContent("系统错误!"); try { setMsgInfo(oms,msg); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error(e); } } // 把发送发送对象转换为xml输出 xs = XStreamFactory.init(true); xs.alias("xml", oms.getClass()); xs.alias("item", Articles.class); String xml = xs.toXML(oms); logger.debug("输出消息:[" xml "]"); response.getWriter().write(xml); } private void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { String signature = request.getParameter("signature");// 微信加密签名 String timestamp = request.getParameter("timestamp");// 时间戳 String nonce = request.getParameter("nonce");// 随机数 String echostr = request.getParameter("echostr");// // 验证 if (Tools.checkSignature(_token, signature, timestamp, nonce)) { response.getWriter().write(echostr); } } private void setMsgInfo(OutMessage oms,InMessage msg) throws Exception { // 设置发送信息 Class outMsg = oms.getClass().getSuperclass(); Field CreateTime = outMsg.getDeclaredField("CreateTime"); Field ToUserName = outMsg.getDeclaredField("ToUserName"); Field FromUserName = outMsg.getDeclaredField("FromUserName"); ToUserName.setAccessible(true); CreateTime.setAccessible(true); FromUserName.setAccessible(true); CreateTime.set(oms, new Date().getTime()); ToUserName.set(oms, msg.getFromUserName()); FromUserName.set(oms, msg.getToUserName()); } /** * 启动的时候加载wechat.properties配置 可以在过滤器配置wechat.properties路径 */ @Override public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException { String cf = config.getInitParameter("conf"); if (cf != null) { conf = cf; } String classPath = this.getClass().getResource("/").getPath().replaceAll("%20", " "); conf = conf.replace("classPath:", classPath); p = new Properties(); File pfile = new File(conf); if (pfile.exists()) { try { p.load(new FileInputStream(pfile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("未找到wechat.properties", e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("wechat.properties读取异常", e); } } logger.info("WeChatFilter已经启动!"); }}
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