首页 » matlab » MOPSO-WSN_code-master


于 2020-08-09 发布
0 159
下载积分: 1 下载次数: 3


说明:  PSO protocole for wsn


MOPSO-WSN_code-master, 0 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\Book1.xlsx, 13415 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\CheckNonDominated.m, 1543 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\Init.m, 3636 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\LocalDominanceTest.m, 879 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\MultObjFitness.m, 2421 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\NodeMovement.m, 240 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\PSO.m, 7076 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\README.md, 462 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\RepUpdate.m, 6136 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\Update.m, 1062 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\clusters.txt, 1650 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\energy.fig, 877866 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\energy.txt, 1350 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\energy_vs_optimality.fig, 15923 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\fitness.fig, 11937 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\optimality.txt, 1800 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources, 0 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources\1-s2.0-S187705091830824X-main.pdf, 541540 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources\IJET-23734.pdf, 435297 , 2020-08-04
MOPSO-WSN_code-master\resources\the-design-of-an-optimal-and-secure-routing-model-in-wireless-sensor-networks-by-using-pso-algorithm.pdf, 346570 , 2020-08-04



0 个回复

  • tgh
    itroduce tgh sensors and config it
    2016-10-11 16:44:35下载
  • Interactio_Retransmission
    Interaction of Retransmission, Blacklisting, and Routing Metrics for Reliability in Sensor Network Routing powerpoint
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  • Demand-response
    需求侧响应文章,了解国内外需求响应发展现状,未来趋势,把握行业动态。(Demand response)
    2020-10-17 13:17:28下载
  • flying-control-law
    概述了飞行控制律设计的几种主要方法。通过对比自适应飞行控制律和程序调参飞行控制律,总结 了处于飞行控制器设计领域主导地位的程序调参飞行控制律的主要优点和不足,并就程序调参技术在现代飞控领 域的研究现状及其在某先进飞机中的实际应用进行了介绍。最后,针对现代飞机的飞行特点,展望了程序调参飞 行控制律今后可能的发展方向。 (Summarizes the flight control law design of several major method. By comparing the adaptive flight control law and procedure parameters tuning flight control law is summarized The flight controller design field is in the leading position of the program and flight control law of the main advantages and disadvantages, and the process parameters tuning technology in the modern flight control broughtThe research status and domain in some advanced aircraft in the practical application are introduced in this paper. Finally, the modern aircraft s characteristics, and looks forward to the program and fly Line control law could in the future development direction.)
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  • STK
    针对STK(Satellite Tool Kit)软件在军事任务可视化仿真领域中的广泛应用,为充分挖掘 其显示潜能,重点解决了影响其三维场景构建的瓶颈问题,即三维场景数据格式的转换和数据的获取 优化。在分析构建STK 三维场景所需要素及其作用的基础上,分别对地形、地表纹理、三维模型和GIS 等四类数据格式进行分析,并利用多种辅助软件,系统地提出了由较通用格式数据向STK 所支持格式 数据的转换方法,以及在对各类原始数据的获取和转换过程中出现的问题进行处理的优化方法。最后通过实例验证表明该数据格式转换方法和数据优化方法行之有效,三维场景显示效果逼真。(STK (Satellite Tool Kit) software widely used in the field of military tasks, visual simulation, to fully tap its display potential, focus on resolving the bottlenecks that affect the construction of the three-dimensional scene, 3D scene data format conversion and data Get optimization. On the basis of the required elements and their role in the analysis of building STK three-dimensional scene analysis, respectively, of the four types of terrain, surface texture, three-dimensional model and GIS data format and use a variety of assistive software, the system proposed by the more common format The data support the format of the data to STK conversion method, as well as access to various types of raw data and conversion process issues deal with the optimization method. Finally, an example to show that the data format conversion method and data optimization method is effective, realistic three-dimensional scene display.)
    2012-10-30 10:59:12下载
  • e
    说明:  虚拟仪器代表着目前测试仪器领域的发展方向,LabⅥEw语言是一种功能强大的仪器开发平台。对淹没在噪声中声发射信号的有效提取(去噪)是声发射信号处理技术的第一步,也是声发射信号处理的关键所在。本文介绍了基于小波变换的阈值去噪方法。在LabⅥEw平台上,通过仿真试验,对声发射信号的几种阈值法的去噪结果进行比较,选出一种适合声发射信号去噪的阈值准则。(Virtual instrument on behalf of the current developments in the field of testing equipment direction, Lab Ⅵ Ew language is a powerful development platform apparatus. Submerged in the noise of the acoustic emission signal in the effective extraction (denoising) is the acoustic emission signal processing technology, a first step, the acoustic emission signal processing is the key. In this paper, based on wavelet transform thresholding denoising method. Lab Ⅵ Ew in the platform through the simulation of acoustic emission signals of several denoising threshold method for comparison of results to elect a suitable acoustic emission signal de-noising threshold criteria.)
    2008-05-15 17:34:16下载
  • plane2
    军用无人机方面的文章,对军事感兴趣的同学可以下载来看看(Military UAVs articles for students interested in the military can be downloaded to look)
    2016-06-20 15:24:43下载
  • High
    This paper presents a clustering approach which estimates the specific subspace and the intrinsic dimension of each class. Our approach adapts the Gaussian mixture model framework to high-dimensional data and estimates the parameters which best fit the data. We obtain a robust clustering method called High- Dimensional Data Clustering (HDDC). We apply HDDC to locate objects in natural images in a probabilistic framework. Experiments on a recently proposed database demonstrate the effectiveness of our clustering method for category localization.
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  • Worse-is-Better.pdf
    本文通过对LISP语言发展的研究,总结出计算机方面的设计理念。并不是完美的才是最好的,有时候愚蠢的简单的更好。(Based on the LISP language development research, summed up the computer aspects of the design philosophy. Not perfect is the best, and sometimes stupid simple better.)
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    说明:  Towards an optimized abstracted topology design in cloud environment
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