首页 » matlab » 导出3


于 2021-04-28 发布
0 174
下载积分: 1 下载次数: 2


说明:  电阻层析成像lbp算法的演示实例,带有详细的说明(An example of a demonstration of the lbp algorithm for capacitance tomography, with a detailed description)


导出3, 0 , 2020-11-22
导出3\Bx1.csv, 133215 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Bx2.csv, 133103 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Bx3.csv, 134480 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Bx4.csv, 136272 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Bx5.csv, 136927 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Bx6.csv, 137171 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Bx7.csv, 136460 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Bx8.csv, 134962 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By1.csv, 136373 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By2.csv, 134685 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By3.csv, 133377 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By4.csv, 133031 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By5.csv, 134497 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By6.csv, 135946 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By7.csv, 137056 , 2020-11-21
导出3\By8.csv, 137300 , 2020-11-21
导出3\C1wu1.mat, 914 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Ckong.mat, 733 , 2020-11-19
导出3\Cman.mat, 736 , 2020-11-19
导出3\S12.mat, 48671 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S13.mat, 48829 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S14.mat, 49027 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S15.mat, 49108 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S16.mat, 49133 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S17.mat, 49142 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S18.mat, 48975 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S23.mat, 48920 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S24.mat, 49098 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S25.mat, 49162 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S26.mat, 49117 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S27.mat, 49064 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S28.mat, 48921 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S34.mat, 49076 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S35.mat, 49125 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S36.mat, 49092 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S37.mat, 48936 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S38.mat, 48742 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S45.mat, 48970 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S46.mat, 48922 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S47.mat, 48709 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S48.mat, 48825 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S56.mat, 48695 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S57.mat, 48803 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S58.mat, 49024 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S67.mat, 48948 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S68.mat, 49121 , 2020-11-21
导出3\S78.mat, 49053 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Savemat.m, 1405 , 2020-11-21
导出3\Untitled.m, 113 , 2020-11-18
导出3\Untitled2.m, 165 , 2020-11-19
导出3\Untitled3.m, 1202 , 2020-11-20
导出3\Untitled6.m, 224 , 2020-11-21
导出3\cailiao.csv, 15908 , 2020-11-21
导出3\cailiao.m, 95 , 2020-11-21
导出3\cailiao.mat, 459 , 2020-11-21
导出3\chengxiang.m, 7978 , 2020-11-19
导出3\data.mat, 778567 , 2020-11-21
导出3\landweber.m, 1128 , 2020-11-22
导出3\lbp.m, 1084 , 2020-11-22
导出3\lbplandweber.m, 1691 , 2020-11-22
导出3\ling.m, 4997 , 2020-11-21
导出3\lingmindu.m, 196 , 2020-11-21
导出3\lingminduchang.mat, 1086165 , 2020-11-21
导出3\sensitivity.m, 5369 , 2020-11-19
导出3\twentyeight.m, 312 , 2020-11-21



0 个回复

  • RBF_2D
    Radial Basis Function
    2009-02-27 21:37:16下载
  • Voicebox
    在用matlab做语音信号处理时经常用到的enframe等函数,这在matlab中是没有的,需要下载专门的工具箱,这是从官网上下载的,可直接解压安装。具体安装方法网上一搜就能搜到。(Frequently used in speech signal processing using matlab enframe function in matlab there is no need to download a special toolbox, which is downloadable from the official website, you can directly extract the installation. Specific installation methods online search can be found to)
    2012-06-23 23:44:08下载
  • 7941940PPP_code
    非常好的精密单点定位程序,直接下载星历和钟差文件就能计算。(Very good precise point positioning procedures, direct download ephemeris and clock error file can be calculated.)
    2020-11-15 00:09:42下载
  • Desktop
    本段代码是用来做布拉格光纤光栅的仿真,耦合模式算法。(This section of code is used for the simulation of fiber Bragg grating coupled model algorithm)
    2012-08-21 16:34:24下载
  • Matlab-traffic-modelling-algrithm
    Matlab交通仿真程序用于仿真交通红绿灯的设计!(Matlab traffic simulation program for the simulation of traffic lights design!)
    2013-09-12 11:05:33下载
  • adalca-bezier-v0.9-1-gc78b5c9
    A matlab package for handling n-dimentional bezier curves. A bezier curve is parametrized by controlPts - which is [N x dim] for N control points of dimension dim
    2015-02-12 16:33:55下载
  • picture
    图像处理,分别识别两张图片,并将两张图片进行叠加运算,将两张图片进行白话处理(Image processing, respectively identify the two pictures and two pictures superimposed operation, and the two images vernacular processing)
    2016-07-19 10:51:47下载
  • shock_and_bubble_pressure_get
    用于计算任意位置水下爆炸冲击波压力时间曲线,气泡脉动周期,气泡最大半径(The pressure-time curve, bubble fluctuation period and maximum bubble radius of underwater explosion shock wave at any position are calculated.)
    2021-01-17 17:18:46下载
  • Based on scale invariance legendre moments matlab code, when extracting compress...
    基于legendre矩的尺度不变性matlab代码,压缩包解压时不能有密码。-Based on scale invariance legendre moments matlab code, when extracting compressed package should not have a password.
    2022-02-15 18:40:29下载
  • gonglvpu
    功率谱:直接法,间接法,加窗(hamming ,hanning, 矩形)(Power spectrum: the direct method, indirect method, window (hamming, hanning, rectangle))
    2010-06-21 22:48:19下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103783会员总数
  • 41今日下载