首页 » Java » 基于MongoDb的图书管理系统.rar


于 2020-12-12 发布
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Java MongoDb的课程设计资源,系统本身不需要事先写好数据库,系统会在运行时自动创建数据库并插入一条数据,但是运行前请保证数据库(MongoDb)处于开启状态!



0 个回复

  • DAO_Demo
    一个简单的DAO设计模式的例子。 DAO(Data Access Object,数据访问对象) 的主要功能是数据操作,在程序的标准开发架构中属于数据层的操作。(A simple example of DAO design patterns. DAO (Data Access Object, data access object) is the main function of data manipulation, the standard development process in the program belongs to the operation of the data layer.)
    2017-01-12 10:41:58下载
  • Ofbiz10.0
    Ofbiz10.04改用mysql数据库配置(Ofbiz10.04 switch to mysql database configuration)
    2013-12-07 22:44:59下载
  • 学生信息管理系统设计报告.doc
  • synchronism
    一个用于实现不同数据库数据同步的程序,用jbuider开发,在一个数据库数据修改后,通过触发器触发同步程序,同步程序通过socket与另一个数据库的同步程序通信,达到数据同步的目的(One for different database data synchronization process, using jbuider development, data modifications in a database after the synchronization process through the flip-flop trigger, synchronization procedure socket with another database synchronization process communication, to achieve the purpose of data synchronization)
    2007-10-16 10:28:23下载
  • 人脸识别系统源码以及(ArcSoftFaceDemo)
    根据ArcSoft的工具包设计的简单人脸识别DEMO,仅供学习。APPID等需要到ArcSoft注册一个应用获得 开发环境准备:###开发使用到的软件和工具:Jdk8、mysql5.7、libarcsoft_face.dll(so)、libarcsoft_face_engine.dll(so)、libarcsoft_face_engine_jni.dll(so)、idea注:libarcsoft_face.dll(so)、libarcsoft_face_engine.dll(so)、libarcsoft_face_engine_jni.dll(so)、app-id、sdk-key可以到虹软官网 http://ai.arcsoft.com.cn/ 免费申请下载本地配置:配置环境(推荐jdk8,mysql5.7,maven3,idea)引擎库libarcsoft_face、libarcsoft_face_engine、libarcsoft_face_engine_jni。把dll或so文件拷贝到java.library.path所包含的路径下,注意区分X86和X64,和当前jdk版本一致。初始化项目 创建数据库arcsoft_face_demo,执行脚本arcsoft_face_demo.sql使用idea启动项目修改配置文件srcmainesourcesapplication.properties填写数据库地址:spring.datasource.druid.url填写数据库用户名:spring.datasource.druid.username填写数据库密码:spring.datasource.druid.password填写人脸识别id:config.freesdk.app-id填写人脸识别key:config.freesdk.sdk-key启动项目右键Application,选择Run ‘Application’项目访问地址http://
  • Database-Connectivity-operation
    使用JDBC提供的API以JDBC-ODBC桥接器的方式连接数据库,并与数据库进行信息交互,数据的查询、更新、插入、删除等(Use API JDBC provides JDBC-ODBC bridge to connect the , and information interact with the , data query, update, insert, delete, etc.)
    2016-08-12 18:10:18下载
  • jcglxtydm
    数据库课程设计,教材管理系统,本系统能够投入实际的使用并且满足基本的功能要求。要求具有极高的可靠性、安全性和易维护性,具有较高的可移植性。 本系统实现了以下的功能: (1) 查询模块:根据种类,查询教材的相关信息; (2) 征订模块:根据需要,征订员将需要征订的教材数据输入教材信息表 (3) 采购模块:采购员审核教材征订的信息,如果需要采购则通过审核,否则 删除征订的信息 ⑷ 用户管理:用(atabase of curriculum design, materials management system, the system can allocate the actual use and to meet the basic functional requirements. Requires a very high reliability, security and easy-maintenance, high portability. The system to achieve the following functions: (1) Query Module: In accordance with the type of query-related information materials (2) Subscription Module: In accordance with the needs of Subscription Subscription Members will need to enter the teaching materials data information table (3) procurement modules: Purchaser audited Subscription information materials, if required by the procurement audit, or delete subscription information ⑷ User Management: User administrators can create user information, delete users, modify user information)
    2013-09-22 15:40:21下载
  • iBatispage
    iBatis分页实例 内含数据库文件在src文件夹中(Page includes examples of iBatis database file in the src folder)
    2009-04-17 15:52:59下载
  • JSPtushu
    说明:  代码中的数据库不用任何设置,因为本程序为了能好移植到其它的计算机数据库的链接都是动态进 行的。通过本程序你可以了解一些界面设计的技巧以及如何进行数据库路径的动态设置与链接(Code without any settings in the database, because the process can be better to migrate to other dynamic computer database links are carried out. Through this program you can learn some skills in interface design and how to dynamically set the database path and link)
    2010-04-02 13:42:05下载
  • oscache
    oscache的缓存实例,可以用于学习二级级缓存,及应用到项目中,加速数据库查找效率。(oscache cache instance, can be used to study the two-level cache, and applied to the project, to accelerate the efficiency of database lookup.)
    2012-07-10 15:53:32下载
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