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于 2020-12-07 发布
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说明:  训练图片的方向梯度直方图特征,并保存为.m文件。实现单分类或多分类。(MATLAB HOG train. The orientation gradient histogram feature of the training image is saved as a .m file. Realize single classification or multiple classification.)


train_images\1\01.jpg, 3202 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\02.jpg, 6624 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\03.jpg, 1875 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\04.jpg, 2120 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\05.jpg, 2496 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\06.jpg, 4196 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\07.jpg, 2709 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\08.jpg, 4443 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\09.jpg, 8829 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\10.jpg, 3299 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\11.jpg, 11982 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1\12.jpg, 21278 , 2020-12-07
HOG_traning.m, 1110 , 2020-12-07
train_images\1, 0 , 2020-12-07
train_images, 0 , 2020-12-07



0 个回复

  • egs
    attached file is matlab code
    2014-12-06 13:02:44下载
  • exp_code
    很好的正态分布matlab 代码,适合初学者!(Normal distribution matlab code good for beginners!)
    2010-08-24 20:54:59下载
  • Aver_Path_Length
    算法,采用Dijk算法,求网络所有点的最短路径和网络的平均最短路径(Algorithm, using Dijk algorithm, and all points of the shortest network path and the average shortest path network)
    2009-04-02 18:50:33下载
  • strongtrackingfilter
    在目标被动式跟踪中广泛应用的伪量测变换估计器(PLE)具有良好的误差收敛性。然而由于等价噪声和状态的相关性,该估计器的估计是有偏的。提出的强跟踪滤波器(STF)通过强制白化残差具有自适应地校正估计偏差和迅速跟踪状态变化的能力。STF已经在非线性系统时滞估计、故障诊断与容错控制方面取得了很好的效果。(Passive target tracking is widely used in the pseudo-measurement transform estimator (PLE) has a good error convergence. However, due to the equivalent noise and the relevance of state, the estimator is a biased estimate of. Raised strong tracking filter (STF) has adopted mandatory bleaching residuals adaptively estimated bias correction and rapid tracking of the status change. STF has been estimated in the time-delay nonlinear systems, fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control has been achieved very good results.)
    2008-03-10 09:18:14下载
  • integer_S
    双输入DCDC系统,用于燃料电池汽车的燃料电池和蓄电池输入能量管理(Dual input DCDC system for fuel cell vehicles and fuel cell battery input energy management)
    2021-01-03 00:18:57下载
  • codekole
    ga code in matlab with good method
    2009-12-31 19:57:01下载
  • srm
    code for statistical region merging algorithm
    2015-03-07 16:41:45下载
  • Globalsearch_vs_GA
    一个关于matlab优化工具箱GOT中的遗传算法函数(GA)和全局优化算法函数(Globalsearch)优化能力的小对比,前者寻优快,但是结果不稳定,在风电场协同有功出力优化上面甚至可能比不过传统的单个风机层面的优化。后者计算量大,耗时较长,但是每次计算结果稳定,较传统单台风机层面优化有少量的提升。Tips:1,本文风场的建模只是采用了PARK模型,实际风场的气动过程应该还要复杂一些,未经实际风场验证,权当是工程优化入门 2,单个风机层面的功率系数Cp参数来源于NREL 5MW模型,跟实际叶片气动性能有关,可靠性未知。3,这种风场级别的协同优化主要考虑尾流因而更加适用于地形较平坦的风电场。《基于风机运行参数协同设定的风电场有功出力优化》是部分由这个程序支撑的,欢迎交流。(The classical operation strategy of a wind farm works with a principle that each wind turbine converting as much aerodynamic power as available the incoming airflow. But this does not guarantee that the power converted by the whole wind farm be a maximum due to the wake effect. Unlike the conventional operation, this paper proposes the collaborative setting of the operation point of each turbine so that the overall production of the wind farm is maximized. The optimization is performed by Matlab Global Optimization Toolbox(GOT) based on a PARK wake model accompany with the area-weighted quadratic sum method. The strategy was proved applicable in many cases by sensitivity analysis. As an important side effect, the proposed method also allows decreasing the added turbulence, hence the mechanical load produced by wakes. As a consequence, the overall wind farm availability is increased. )
    2016-04-26 10:50:52下载
  • Strong-tracking-filter
    基于强跟踪滤波算法的惯性加GPS组合导航matlab仿真程序(Strong tracking filter algorithm based IMU+ GPS integrated navigation matlab simulation program)
    2020-12-17 22:59:11下载
    用遗传算法解决TSP问题,还有用CPLEX解决(Solving TSP problem by genetic algorithm)
    2018-03-28 09:32:09下载
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