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于 2021-02-03 发布
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说明:  导入matlab后添加另一个gearsolve函数,使用ode45进行t为0.001:0.001:1000和刚度ky数组,即可获得齿轮组的全自由度运动图像(After importing MATLAB, add another gearsolve function, use ode45 to do t = 0.001:0.001:1000 and stiffness KY array, then the full degree of freedom motion image of gear set can be obtained)


gearsolv.m, 523 , 2021-02-02
gearvib.m, 3435 , 2021-02-02
ksolve.m, 11595 , 2021-02-03



0 个回复

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