首页 » matlab » 滤波器程序


于 2021-03-09 发布
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说明:  微带滤波器设计,包括低通、带通和高通三型滤波器参数设计,能够设置频率范围,自动生成滤波器参数。(Microstrip filter design, including low-pass, band-pass and high pass filter parameter design, can set the frequency range, automatically generate filter parameters.)


使用说明.txt, 86 , 2021-01-28
滤波器程序, 0 , 2021-01-10
滤波器程序\daitong.fig, 27489 , 2021-01-07
滤波器程序\daitong.m, 17400 , 2021-01-07
滤波器程序\ditong.fig, 24128 , 2021-01-07
滤波器程序\ditong.m, 15849 , 2021-01-07
滤波器程序\gaotong.fig, 25412 , 2021-01-07
滤波器程序\gaotong.m, 15219 , 2021-01-07
滤波器程序\untitled.fig, 7879 , 2021-01-07
滤波器程序\untitled.m, 4080 , 2021-01-07



0 个回复

  • 基于单片机的DS18B20温度控制器—Protues仿真
    说明:  基于51/52单片机 1,探测环境温度,以LCD1602 做显示单元 2,可设置上限/下限数值,从而做到警报的提醒及应急设施的启动 3,超过设置限值时,会启动 LED 、蜂鸣器以及电机(仿真时使用)应用可使用其他代替(Based on 51 / 52 single chip microcomputer 1. Detect the ambient temperature with LCD1602 as the display unit 2. The upper / lower limit value can be set to remind the alarm and start the emergency facilities 3. When the setting limit is exceeded, the LED, buzzer and motor (used in simulation) application will be started, and other alternatives can be used)
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  • 基于51单片机的HC-SR04超声波测距系统制作
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